Chapter 1

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"that girl...."

"i cannot let her go alone..."

"I....come to you now..."

"Deok ah..."


" a dream...?"

The man named Baekhyun got up from his bed and go to the bathroom to take a bath.

While showering, he kept remembering the dream he had just now. He recalling something that makes him confused.

"Deok...? Cannot let her go...alone? what's that mean?"

He turn off the shower and put his shirt and go down.

Baekhyun open the fridge and take a drink. He doesn't realized that someone is behind him and trying to scaring him.

"What are you thinking?!!" yell Chanyeol


"the hell?! you want me to get heart attack???" yell Baekhyun while calming his heart.

"well, you seem thinking about something. Is there something happen?" ask Chanyeol picking a drink.

"let see....Chanyeol!"


"you know Deok?" ask Baekhyun making Chanyeol laughing.

"Ya!!! don't laugh!! is not funny you know!! aishh..." said Baekhyun regret that he ask Chanyeol.

"why you bring this up?"

"i got a dream...this girl name is Deok...I thought you know her...maybe.."

Chanyeol thinking about the name. He felt like he know this but forget where he know about this.

"why don't ya searching on internet?" Baekhyun realize. Why he ask him and not searching that on internet.

"i try first"

Baekhyun open the google and tapping the name and tap ok. He hope there's a some clue about this.

After a minute, they have a result about "Deok".

Baekhyun take a look and also Chanyeol because he was curious.

Two of them confused a little.

"w..what is this?" said Chanyeol confused.

"how should i know? more importantly, this is out of my expectation!! i was searching a name!! not a room or statue!!!" yell Baekhyun become frustated.

"ya!ya!ya! it was your fault at first! look at it. You just search "Deok" of course the result like this!! Pabo! give me that!" Chanyeol grab Baekhyun phone harsh and tapping.

And then he give back the phone.


Baekhyun just look without talking. And one of the result, he stop at the "Name Soon-Deok". He tap the link and take a look more seriously. He doesn't know why, but on this link he felt like he have to read thoroughly.

Chanyeol looking at his bestfriend face. Baekhyun looking so serious. He wonder why his friend look at that information like that.

" got what you want?" Chanyeol tap his shoulder and Baekhyun snap.

"huh? oh yeah...i think so..." said Baekhyun.

He feels weird. He tought why he have to be like that when looking at the name of "Soon-Deok". He let out a breath and walking left Chanyeol behind.

"where do you want go?" ask Chanyeol.

"to find a refresh air. You go wake up the others" said Baekhyun.

Baekhyun close the door. He looking at the morning view. It makes him feel calm. So he decide to go walk for a bit.

He breathing in and breathing out. It almost winter no wonder why he felt cold. He reach a park and sit at the bench. the park was beautifull. There's a bird flying so free, the air feels good not really cold too, and....there's someone dancing. Hm? Dancing?.

Baekhyun find a girl who doing dancing on there. He think how the hell she dancing on this morning. After a second he tought she was drunk. But she looks fine. He doesn't know why, he seems can't take his eyes of from that girl. To get more clearly, he get near to her.

Baekhyun eyes get widened because his eyes and her eyes was meet. At first impression was her smile and her face was beautifull. Her smile making someone who's near her smile too. Her face...makes the person who really lucky to saw her face heart beating so fast.

Without he know, he was smiling.

The girl stop dancing and felt emberassing. Baekhyun snap to reality and felt emberassing too.

The girl bowed to get escape but somehow her step was stopped by Baekhyun, who catch her uncounsiously.


'oh crap! what should i do now???' thought Baekhyun nervous.

"you!" Baekhyun said makes the girl flinched.

"y..your dance was good. But this place is not for dance you know!" said Baekhyun.

The girl look at him and smiling a little.



"good luck" said Baekhyun nervously.

The girl laughing a little and smile at him.

"thank you very much..." said her before left.

And do not forget, she bowed at him and left Baekhyun speechless.

He remembering her face and smile. He doesn't know why but...he felt he really should meet with her again.

"aw shit!! i forgot to ask her name!!!" yell Baekhyun.

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