Chapter 4

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Baekhyun open his eyes and find that he's on outside. He want to get up, but feel something on his shoulder. Baekhyun almost to bump Hera's head to floor. The morning air was little cold, so Baekhyun pick up Hera to her room.

He put her gently on her bed. Baekhyun look at Hera sleeping face and smiled. He touching her face softly without make her awake. Soon, something flash went to his head. Baekhyun pulling his hand from Hera. He held his head and see something inside his head.

Baekhyun saw a her again. That Deok girl. But,now is different.

Her lips.

Didn't blur.

Her lips showing a smile.

Beautiful smile.

Baekhyun relief that is not a bad dream or something.

He left her room and close the door slowly.

After he out from Hera room, he didn't know that Chanyeol saw everything.


Hera open her eyes and blinking twice. She looks around and went to the bathroom.

"Morning...hoahmmm!" Hera yawning.

"Mornin' " say Chanyeol with smile.

Hera take a sit and glanced everywhere. For Chanyeol, he already know that she might going to ask where is Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun is out for a while. He said he'll come back at noon" explain Chanyeol before Hera asking.

Hera just humming while drink her coffw and after a second she spirt her coffee.

Chanyeol immediately asked her and clean the coffee.

Hera realized one thing. And that is...

Today, on this dorm, Hera will be with Chanyeol until Baekhyun home. Just two of them. Alone.

Oh gosh....what should I do? I'll be alone with him. Just two of us??? This will be a trouble! Big trouble!! Please Byun Baekhyun!!! Go home fast!!! Yell Hera on her mind.

~ Meanwhile...


Baekhyun wipe his nose and continued playing his game.

~ Sehun practice place

"Hyung!" Yell Sehun to Baekhyun.

Sehun ran to his hyung and immediately hug him because he finally can met him.

"You miss me that much, Sehun ah?" Said Baekhyun patting Sehun's head.

"Of course! By the way, where's Chanyeol hyung?"

"Ah..Chanyeol not going. He said he'll meet you tomorrow"


Sehun remembering something and he pull Baekhyun to his room.

"Hyung, hyung!"


"Tell me about your dancing student!" Said Sehun excited.

"Why should i tell you?" Ask Baekhyun with a suspicious look.

"I'm curious! And I hear from the manager she was the same level as us right?"

"Yeah...but, she didn't know our names..." said Baekhyun.

"What?!!! come??" Sehun shocked.

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