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Uta is my older cry baby sister. She is a sensitive song witch, she has the voice of an angle and can somehow make her spell book words sound as if you were hearing a sad, happy, peaceful song. She says it depends on the spell she uses. She is like an exact copy of me, well I guess that would be called me being her twin.

 She is like an exact copy of me, well I guess that would be called me being her twin

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She always carry a flute with her. For her songs. I love my sister but also hate her, well honestly that sounds like all siblings, just without the love part. She is the best when I can't sleep on stormy nights, which is every night. Just my luck. Other times she can be a prick of a needle, annoying is what I mean. She is crying at everything left and right. She cry's at a nightmare, getting pranked, and the worse is when she sees puppy's. Sometimes when I just don't really care about my fears I create dancing lightning to calm her down, she seems to enjoy watching it dancing on my hand.  My sister is top in music class and all her other classes as well. She trys to help me study but it never works.

Well on to my friends!~

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!  Bye!!! <3

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