Chapter 1

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   B E E P ! ! ! I rolled over. B E E P ! ! ! And then fell out of bed. I cried out in pain and touched my head. My alarm was still going off. I quickly turned it off and went back to feeling around my forehead. "Must've hit my head with the corner of my desk..." I mumbled. I stood up and looked in the mirror. "Oh! Yikes..!" A big red mark was placed on my head. I looked closer in the mirror and saw that the glass was breaking. I nudged it a little to make it stay, but a whole section then broke and there was glass all on the floor now. Just my luck, huh?

   I walked over to my beanbag and grabbed a shirt that was laying on it and put it on. Turning around, I look at the glass shards that had fallen on the ground and picked one up. They would have usually cut me by now, but I guess the heavens went easy on me today. I put the shard in a bag and continued picking them up. I stood up, happy that I didn't get cut from the shards. "Thanks God," I say. I was walking down the hallway when the bottom of the bag broke. I watched the shining objects fall down. I tried moving my feet but not in time. "AGH-!" I began to scream but covered my mouth. I stood there humming the pain away for, maybe two minutes.

   Uta came running out of her room. My hands were in fists and I was holding my foot out that had the two pieces of glass in it. "Oh my god! Are you okay? Do we need the hospital?" I nodded no, "I'm fine. It's fine," I sighed, "Just go get mom please?" She bent down carefully moving the shards of glass and taking them down stairs. "Oh my god! That's a lot of blood!" I began getting annoyed, "Just go get mom." She helped me into the bathroom and set me down on the tub. "Please, just get mom. It's not even that much bl-" She banged around in the drawers looking for tweezers and what she thought she needed. "Where's the alcohol? The band-aid's? Neosporin?" Just" I stood up and limped over to my sister. I pushed her out of the way and I grabbed the tweezers and alcohol. I grabbed a bandage wrap and the tape to make it stay in place. 

   "No what are you doing? I'll do it! You're hurt!" I sat down at the tub and grabbed the tweezers. I breathed in and slowly took the glass out, making sure not to cut anymore of my body. I poured the alcohol on and let it sit. "Can you get the Neo?" I ask her. She was frowning. She clearly wanted to help me, but she was panicking to much. I didn't want my foot to get bacteria in as much as she did. "Yeah..." Her voice was a stuttered whisper when she spoke now. I took the Neosporin and placed a bit on the cuts and placed the wrap with tape and threw the shards away. She walked out of the room and packed her stuff for school I presume. This was a typical school day morning at my house. The mornings my family, and me, got used to.

   Me and my sister were on the couch. She was drinking sweet tea and eating a muffin while I drank hot chocolate and ate toast. I saw my mom peeking at me from the stairs. I nodded at her and she laughed. This is what we do every morning. Me getting hurt in the morning;I forget to put the evidence away every morning; she sees the things left behind; she looks at me from the stairs; I nod, implying that I accidentally hurt myself again; my mother chuckles. She sat in the chair next to me and my sister. "So, how'd today go so far?" she chuckled. My sister looked the other way. "Well, my mirror broke, then the bottom of the bag I put the glass in, and then you know." She smiled. "Well, I hope you two got a good breakfast because you're going to need the energy to run to school," she said while pointing to the clock. We were late. I grabbed my sisters arm and grabbed our backpacks. Before I ran us both out I stopped. "Bye mom..." I happily spoke. "Bye," she did her smile again, " I love you two." 

And we were off. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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