Kuto Shinso

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This is my energetic; tsundere transformation friend Kuto. He's my best friend. I have been friends with him since, well, hmmm. He's been my friend forever now that I think about it. I met him when I was 8, he was the first kid, well person, that actually got bad luck when I crossed him. I got a bit of bad luck to, but his was worse.I guess I actually didn't the bad luck, I didn't feel great at all about what happened. I'm a douche bag so I won't tell ya....


He has transformation powers. By that I mean he can transform into animals, some people that use transformation don't all use transformation into animals. Some can form into characters, substances, or things maybe like a plant pot.

He's a silly kid, I like that I met him. There isn't really much else to tell you about him. I guess I could tell you a memory of him.

When we were younger we used to turn into cats and have little cat fight's and when we had sleepovers I would curl up at the end of my sisters bed and he would sleep on top of me. Eventually he would turn back into a human and I would suffocate almost to death. I found it funny, but he always felt bad.. heh...

That's the end of this chapter<3

~I hope you enjoyed it!!! 

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