Secret Santas

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(Please read Author's Note first!)

After a long discussion of regular highschool subjects, the school day had finally come to an end.
As told, the students of 1-A waited for their homeroom teacher's much awaited announcement.

"Alright, is everyone here?" Aizawa said as he shut the door behind him.

"Yes, sir! All 20 of us are here." Iida assured him.

"Okay. Everyone sit down." The homeroom teacher ordered them.

After a few seconds of deafening silence, Aizawa spoke.

"Here's the long-awaited announcement..." He took a deep breath.

"Today, we are going to..."
The class stared and slowly stood up in excitement.

"... Address secret santas!!!!!!" He grinned in a Totoro-like manner.

"Aizawa-sensei, if you don't mind me asking--why do you seem...excited?" Asui asked.

"I am slowly losing my grip, I want to go home, but, since I am also a part of this, hurry it up so I can sleep already..." He said as he zipped up his sleeping bag.

"The box on my desk is where the ballots are, just pull out a piece of paper and that's who you're giving gifts to." The teacher said with his eyes already closed.

"Everyone, please form a straight line! No rushing, no cutting!" Iida instructed as he waved his arms around.

"Ooh! Deku-kun! This reminds me of that time when the school's security system got breached!" Uraraka said to the green-haired boy behind her.

"Ah, you're right! The villain attack... Iida-kun did a really great job calming the others down! Like what a true hero would do!" Midoriya gleefully smiled back at Uraraka.

"Y-Yeah..!" She had to face away from him to hide the pink tint on her face. Midoriya didn't notice and started thinking to himself.

"That memory... feels so old. I've only spent less than a year with them, but I've already had so many fun memories.. They've all taught me so many things. I'm really thankful that I got to be in this class..." He started tearing up.

"M-Midoriya, why are you crying? Did someone push you too hard while lining up? Was it Bakugo?" Iida asked as he comforted him.

"Shut up, Four-Eyes! It wasn't fucking me this time! Tch, why is the blame always put on me for his emotional outbursts?!" Bakugo exclaimed.

"Because you're always the cause of his emotional outbursts." Todoroki calmly replied to him.

Bakugo, of course, got provoked by that one little statement. "Y-You little--"

"N-No, it wasn't Kacchan.. I-I'm just really happy to be here... with you guys... that's all..." Midoriya said as he wiped the few tears of his face.

"Precious..." Almost everyone mumbled under their breaths.

"Didn't I say hurry up...?" Aizawa muttered in his sleeping bag.

"Y-Yes, sir! Sorry for the delay..!" Midoriya wiped his tears and went up to pick out a piece of paper.

And after a while, everyone including Aizawa (who had to wake up from his nap angrily) had a piece of paper in their hands.

"I don't care if you don't know what to give to your classmate, the only rule is that you can't tell anyone who you picked out. If you say anything, I'll know. And, there will be consequences."

1-A Christmas Party // DekubowlWhere stories live. Discover now