Frosted Trail

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Once again, a snowy Friday welcomed the students of UA. A chilly morning greeted the students as they walked on the trails of snow on the ground. Midoriya and Uraraka walk side by side as they approach the doors.

"Walking to school with a girl! And she's so close to me..." Midoriya thought to himself while blushing pink.

"Hm? Are you still not used to just us being together, Deku-kun?" She grinned.

"S-Sort of... I guess I just miss Iida-kun scolding us to be at least an hour early!" They both chuckled.

"Yeah, he's definitely just sitting in his chair patiently waiting for us two! Let's go make his morning, Deku-kun!" Uraraka said as she raised her fist in the air, her expression as determined as ever.

"Y-Yes! Her expression totally changed just now... Scary..." He looked back at her and saw that she was running full speed to their classroom.

"U-Uraraka-san! Wait up! Wait-" Midoriya got startled and started running too.

Uraraka opened the gigantic door quickly, and ran to Iida's seat.

"Good morning, Iida-ku-"

She snapped back to her normal, bubbly, self and stared at his chair, thinking.

"Deku-kun, he's not here!" She looked back at Midoriya, who just made it to the door.

"Uraraka-san, w-where did you learn to run like that?! Was it from your internship at Gunhead's..?! Or did Iida-kun teach you a few things..?" He said as he was panting, catching his breath.

"I would've used Full Cowl, but it seemed unnecessary and inappropriate..." He muttered to himself.

"Where else could he be? He's always been sitting patiently every morning!"  Uraraka asked the green-haired boy who took a step inside.

"I... think he's right over there." Midoriya pointed over to Kaminari's seat.

They were both greeted by the sight of a chatter-filled classroom. Not so surprising, a Kaminari standing on a desk, and an Iida scolding him.

"SECRET SANTA!!! SHOW YOURSELF TO ME!! I HAVE A LIST!!" Kaminari screeched for the whole classroom to hear.

"Kaminari! The desks are for writing notes on! Please take your seat! Also! The exchanging of Secret Santas are strictly prohibited by Sensei! I cannot allow you to continue this!" Iida said as he waved his hands in the air.

Kaminari still didn't listen and continued screaming. Defeated, Iida sadly walked back to his seat when he saw Midoriya and Uraraka.

"You two! You've tracked snow and dirt on the floor with your unsanitary soles! You've tainted this pristine UA classroom!" He waved his hands in the air once again.

Midoriya became embarrassed. "S-Sorry, Iida-kun.. We'll just go and scrape this off outside the classroo-"

"And taint the hallways? Nonsense! Please go and scrape it off outside school premises! Or at least outside the school's entrances!" He ordered them, still waving his hands.

Before Midoriya could even try to reason with him, Uraraka grabbed his arm and ran out.
"Let's just go! Before he blows a fuse!" She whispered to him.

And so, they both ran as quickly as they could, fear of being late (and fear of Aizawa-sensei).

They reached the gigantic school entrances and shook the snow and dirt off their shoes as fast as they could.

After that, they rushed back to the classroom. As they approached the door, they heard a faint sound of-

"Ohayo gozaimas, Sensei!"

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