The Guerilla

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The streets of Tokyo

Danger around the corner

Gas pocket of doom.

So. Japan. The land of sushi, samurai, and anime. How wonderful it would be to visit the mecca of Japan, Tokyo. Visit the sites, enjoy the food, meet new friends...

NO. What you will meet first is the Guerilla. The Guerilla hides around every corner, resides on every street. It's everywhere, yet nowhere.


Pockets of methane. This is from personal experience. I'll be walking the streets of Shibuya and this cloud of oh-my-god-what-the-heck-is-this-rotten-egg? smell will slam right into my face like a brick wall. I'll be wretching, completely doubled over. The worst part is Japanese people seem to be COMPLETELY UNAFFECTED. Are they immune to farts!? They waltz right into the infection zone, with nary a worry in the world.

Apparently they're only immune to the Guerilla though. Normal farts from normal people elicit the gassy reactions you'd usually expect. Personal experience. It's a wonderful thing.

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