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Millies pov:

I woke up on a new day in my bed.

I smiled a bit realizing i was hanging out with finn today.

I got out of bed and went to take a shower.

Then changed into a adidas shirt and shorts with my white vans.

Also I put my hair into a bun and put a little makeup on.

Then i went outside saying bye to my parents.

Noah went to school early for basketball practice but he already knew i was skipping school.

I told finn to meet me at the mall at 9:30, i wanted to be there early becausr i hate when malls are pack.

Not to mention its like black friday in the afternoon at the mall.

Everything gets sold out quickly.


"Hey mills" finn said as he walked up to me.

"Hey there you are" i said.

"Sorry I'm late, i had to make sure my day left the house first so he wouldn't see me walk the different direction, not to school" he explained while putting his hands in his pockets.

He was wearing round glasses and thrasher hoodie with regular jeans with his vans.

"You look like harry potter" i said while giggling.

He laughed.

"Hey if they need a james potter ill go audition" he said jokingly.

"Its cute" i said.

His cheeks got a tint of red.

"You too, you're short" he said while laughing a bit.

"Whats cute about being short?" I asked.

"Because when you get mad" he said while chuckling.

"Whatever wolfhard" i said while playfully rolling my eyes.

We walked in the mall and went to a indie store.

"So what am i helping you with?" Finn asked while looking at things.

"With presents, im getting gifts for our friends for Christmas" i explained while looking at some shirts.

"Well, dont get me anything" he said.

"Nah nah nah i dont care i am getting you something" i said while looking at him.

"Mills its fine you dont gotta" he said.

"To bad i am" i said back.

It stayed quiet.

"You know what i want for Christmas" he said all of a sudden.

I looked at him.

"Yes, what?" I asked.

"Someone to love me" he said.

He gave me a look, like as if he was trying to give me a hint.

"Oh you wanna start dating?" I said.

"Yeah, you see theres these 2 girls." He began.

I gave him all my attention and listened.

"The first one ive seen and shes the best i kill anyone for her" he said.

"Then the other I've never seen but..its like...they understand me" he finished.

"So you're choosing huh?" I said.

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