Chapter One

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I hate people. I think to myself as I grasp the red cup in my hand and try to adjust to the loud music blasting from the scattered speakers in the living room. I shouldn't have said yes when Colton asked me to come to this party. Maybe it's the blonde hair. Or the green eyes. Or the muscular build. Maybe it's the little bit of stubble on his chiseled chin. I have always had a thing for left-handed guys. Not to mention I'm a single eighteen-year-old girl and have been single since freshman year.

I close my eyes and lean up against the wall.

"Hey gorgeous," I hear a deep voice say. I look up to see Colton grinning at me.

"Hey," I reply. I'm kinda grateful he showed up, at least now I know someone here.

"Don't sound so down. It's a party. C'mon, dance with me," he says, grabbing my wrist gently. I let him whisk me away to the middle of the room. I take a swig of the slightly bitter liquid in my cup. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I like it. It's fruity, but not too sweet. Colton takes both my hands in his and begins swaying to the music. I'm a little nervous, but it's pretty easy to follow Colton. His bright smile puts me at ease.

After just a few songs, Colton suggests we grab another drink. I finish it as we keep up a light conversation. When he asks if I want to keep dancing, I suggest a break.

"Well then, gorgeous, how about another drink?"

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged.

"You want something fruity?" He asks gently.

"Yeah," I say with a smile, trying to seem more confident. I don't want Colton to think I'm some helpless little girl. Colton grins as he hands me a red cup and gently takes the old one. I take a sip of the new drink and smile; it's fruity, sweet, and just a little tangy. I drink more of it, liking the way it feels as it slides along my tongue and tingles my throat. I finished it quickly, making Colton grin. As we continue dancing, I feel a little light headed. I brush it off as the dancing combined with the drinks. I keep dancing until the room starts spinning. I tell Colton and he suggests we head upstairs where it's quiet. He leads me into a bedroom and shuts the door behind him. He gently leads me to sit on the bed. I try to calm down, but just as the room slows its spinning, my whole body begins to burn. It is a strange sensation, not entirely painful, but more like a tingling heat spreading from my core all the way through my fingertips. It comes over my body in waves, starting at my waist, then moving up, through my chest, over my neck, down my arms, then it fizzles out at my fingertips. It moves from my waist, to my lady bits, through my thighs, calves and finally my toes. I breathe for a second as it stops at my fingers and toes, before another wave begins again at my waist. Each wave is stronger and leaves a little more heat behind than the last. The heat settles in my core, and my tits.

"You alright?" Colton asks.

"Yeah," I reply taking a few deeps breaths, but that seems to only intensify the feeling.

"Here, maybe you should lay down," Colton says. He places his hand on my shoulder to lay me down on the bed. I gasp as the heat strengthens at his touch. It begins to hurt. My body is craving touch.

I don't realize I'm making sounds of distress until Colton speaks again, "Do you want me to make it stop hurting?" Colton says. I nod helplessly.

Colton slips his hands under my shirt, placing them flat on my stomach. The burning intensifies beneath his hands. He slowly pushes my shirt up. As his hands pass over my boobs, I gasp as the tingling moves through my chest all the way to my bones. He pulls my shirt over my head and gently tosses it to the floor. He starts kissing all over my body, not stopping as he takes off my bra. Soon enough, my clothes are all in a pile on the floor. My body is hit with a new wave of heat as the cool air of the room rushes over me.

"Shh, I'll make you feel real good," Colton's husky voice rings in my ears. I feel his warm breath on my lady bits making my body squirm before he finally places his tongue on me. I moan as the heat concentrates in just the right places. "Feel good?" Colton asks. The vibrations seem to go straight through me and I can't help but let out another moan.

"Yeah," I reply with a gasp as he continues to eat me out. It feels so good until the burning starts up again even worse than before. Colton picks up the pace, but it doesn't help much. "More. Fuck. I need more," I plead. Colton shifts and starts kissing me. He runs his hands all over my body.

"Ready?" He asks, seeming just a tad unsure.

"Yes! Dammit, Colton! Please!" The burning gets worse the longer he delays. He slowly enters me and I gasp. The burning becomes a pleasurable tingling that enhances Colton's every move. I move with him, trying to return the pleasure he is giving me,

We climax at the same time -something I thought was only possible in porn and cheesy romance novels- and he runs his hands over me slowly. He kisses me all over, caressing me gently. The burning and tingling is finally gone, but my body is now sensitive due to the intense climax. I let out a small noise of appreciation. Colton seems to take that as encouragement because he continues with more vigor this time. Pretty soon, round two is over as quick as it began. We take a moment to catch our breath before Colton is gently caressing me once again. He pulls out and pushes my hair from my face. When I make a needy whine for his touch, Colton reacts quite differently than before.

"I think you've had enough, sweetheart. I don't want you hurting too much tomorrow morning. Let me help you get dressed," Colton says. He then dresses me slowly and with care. "I'll take you home whenever you want to go," Colton suggests gently.

"Thanks, but I drove myself here. I'll be alright," I smile.

"Sure you're good to drive?" Colton asks in concern.

"Yeah, absolutely sure," I assure. "Actually, can I just be alone for a bit?" I ask quickly.

"You're sure you'll be okay?" I can tell Colton doesn't believe me, but he also doesn't want me to be uncomfortable because of him.

"I'm fine. I just need a second to breathe."

Colton walks out, looking back at me before closing the door. I take a deep breath, collecting myself before I stand up and make my way out of the large house. I get in my car and drive home.

When I get inside, I trudge upstairs to my room and take a shower. My body operates on autopilot as I try to process what just happened. I had been drugged. Was it Colton? He's the one that fucked you, stupid. Who else would it have been? Why would he drug me? I probably would have gone upstairs with him anyway. Why did I even go to that party? I hadn't been to a party since we had moved to this town during my freshman year. Even then, I had only gone to a couple of parties in eighth grade. Tonight just reminded me that parties and I never mixed well.

I get out of the shower and put on my pajamas, brush my teeth, and braid my hair. My body feels numb and my mind hurts with confusion as I lay in my bed.

Why would Colton want me? What made me special? I stop myself as I realize he really did drug me. He's not a good guy. But rapists weren't usually sweet and attentive, why was he? I remind myself that whatever the case may be, Colton had to be at least a little bit fucked up in the head. I tossed and turned for a bit as my mind raced before I finally fell asleep.

So, what did ya think? I love hearing from people especially if it helps me improve my writing. 

Catch ya later!

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