Chapter Four

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I lay on my couch in pain. What the hell is wrong with me? I've never felt this sick in my life. I don't know how long I lay on my couch, processing my pain.

The front door opens and my mom sees me on the couch.

"Hey, honey. Richard wants me to go out to dinner with him tonight, says he has a surprise for me. There's money on the counter for pizza," Mom rambles from the kitchen. She's always gone with her new boyfriend. Since she and Dad split up six years ago, Mom's always out with some guy or another. This Richard guy has been around for four months now, a new record. Mom has practically moved in with him. He apparently hates kids- more like responsibility- which is probably why he gets along with my mother so well. He texted me earlier to ask me if my mother would like chicken parmesan; I never responded to his text. I know he's asking her to go on some fancy cruise with him for a few months. He asked me if I'd be okay on my own. I always have been in the past. I told him to go have fun. Of course, I couldn't care less if he fell overboard. It's just not polite to say that to somebody.

My stomach turns again and I curse in my head. I've had ovulation cramps and period cramps, but none have been this bad, plus I shouldn't start my period for another two weeks. I don't have a fever or any other symptoms..... SHIT!!! That party...Colton....fuck, I think I'm pregnant. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. The front door slams, alerting me of my solitude once again. I stand up and grab my purse. I drive to all the way to Westbrook just to ensure no one recognizes me. I pick up a few at home pregnancy tests and some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream before hightailing it out of the store. I read the directions and realize all of them are for six weeks or more into the pregnancy. It's only been a week since Colton and I did the deed, so none of those will work. You haven't even missed your period yet. You're probably not pregnant. Just wait it out for a bit. It's not like you can do anything about it right now anyway.

At least school is almost out. Its senior year, so rumors won't follow me for long. I can't keep a baby, I have to go to college and get a job before I have a baby. But I don't want to get an abortion either. I can give it up for adoption. Give the baby a loving home where it will be provided for and all that jazz. But then I'll have to tell Colton. I guess I have to anyway, it's his baby too. I mean ultimately it's my decision, but Colton should know.

My stomach started to hurt all over again. It felt like it was on fire. Tingling, itching, buzzing pain all across my abdomen. I sat down on the couch before I can pass out from the pain. I breathe in for four seconds, hold it for another four seconds, then let it out, completely emptying my lungs before doing it again. The pain subsides long enough for me to realize my phone is going off on the coffee table beside me. I roll over and grab it.

"Hello," I answer without checking the caller ID.

"Peyton, it's Lexi, I was just wondering if you were feeling any better, I worried the whole way home. Do you need anything? Chicken soup, chocolate, a friend?" Lexi asks sincerely.

"Thank you so much, but I'm alright." I lie.

"You sound like you've been hit by a bus," Lexi states bluntly.

"I feel like it too, honestly," I sigh.

"I'm coming over," Lexi declares.

"You really don't have to. I'm sure I'll be fine," I reason. Someone is knocking on my door. "I have to go. I'll see you Monday," I say into the receiver. I walk to my door to find Lexi. "Or right now is good too, I guess."

"Are you in a lot of pain?" Lexi asks worriedly.

"Yeah but I'm managing," I reply. Lexi hands me a small bottle filled with pink liquid.

"My mom says this will help," Lexi says firmly. I drink it desperately. It helps a lot. My mind is clear of the pain for a moment, and maybe that isn't such a great thing. Without the pain taking over my every thought, I see Colton's face, hear his voice, remember that night, and I feel something inside me break.

"Woah there, Pey. It's alright," Lexi's voice followed by her arms around me provide an anchor. "It's a whole lot to deal with right now, I know," Lexi says like a mother soothing her crying child. It works though, my breathing slows and I feel more at ease.

"What the hell, Lexi? How did you get here so fast? Why do you have my phone number? How do you know all this stuff?"

"I promise I will explain everything you need to know. You're special, Peyton. And your life just got real complicated," Lexi sighs.

Hey ya'll! This chapter is pretty short, so sorry for that. I honestly don't try to get to a specific word count when I write, I just tell the story the way I think it flows best.I'm really excited for you guys to meet Will next chapter. And you'll see a bit more of Jack. You'll also learn a bit more about the war. So stay tuned!

Catch ya later!

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