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A sharp stinging sensation shot through Hanuel's body, causing him to wake up and cry out in pain.

"Look what you did!" A nearby voice scolded.

"I'm only trying to help..." The second voice was smooth and soft, and obviously not paying attention to the other.

Han groaned, feeling a cold, damp cloth dab at his bloody and bruised back. He lay on his stomach, and his aching body couldn't handle turning around to match faces to voices.

"What's happening?" He asked, knitting his eyebrows in confusion.

Even though the flickering torches gave off minimal light, the brightness still pounded at his head.

"Its alright, we're trying to patch you up right now." The deeper voice spoke.

"Trying to, he's not doing a very good job of it." The scolding boy spoke.

"All I have is a blanket, some old shirts, and running water! I'm doing the best I can!" He continued to wash the dried blood off his back.

With pain, Hanuel managed to turn himself around, sitting up to see the two boys.

"Oh, careful." The boy steadied him so he was leaning against the wall.

"That was quite a beating you got there, what'd you do?" The familiar scolding voice asked.

"I uh- stole some gold from outside the palace." He tried to ignore the boy wiping down his tummy, but it got hard not to let out grunts of pain.

"You would think that beating would be enough. But now you've landed yourself a life time in jail, with yours truly." He bowed mockingly.

"What did you do? Who are you? How long am I staying?" The questions rolled off his tongue.

"Slow your roll, kiddo. One question at a time." The boy chuckled.

The name "kiddo" made Han raised and eyebrow, as he looked no older than him.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. Basically, I cursed out a guard cause... Frankly he was being a dick." He shrugged.

"And that's Kim Taehyung." He nodded towards the boy tying a cloth around his abdomen and lower back.

"I can introduce myself, thank you very much." He rolled his eyes, sitting back to look at Hanuel.

"I'm only in here because of my father. He was in debt, and still was when he died. As the eldest, I had to take his place in prison. I was 15, and I've been here for about... 5 years I'd say." He droned.

He looked away from him for a split second to grab one of the only blankets in the cell.

"Take this, its mine but you could sure use it right now. Let me know if any of the bandages comes undone." He lectured as Han nodded approvingly.

"You should be alright though, I think the worst there is would be the scars on your back and chest, and a mild concussion from that beating." Tae grabbed another wet cloth, and stroked it over the boy's forehead.

The cool water ran down from his head to his cheeks, nose, and lips, and he couldn't describe how good it felt right then. He leaned into Taehyung's hand and he kept applying more water.

"See, you're alright. Now go to sleep, those dark circles under your eyes are just going to disappear."

Hanuel's eyes fluttered shut, not wanting to disobey the boy, Taehyung, who had been helping him so much.

"Thank you." His throat was still dry and scratchy, but he had to show his appreciation.

Taehyung simply hummed, wrapping the blanket around him tighter, and sitting next to Hanuel, watching over him.

"Kook?" Tae spoke.


"Be sure to let me know if one of the guards comes out way."

Jungkook nodded, leaning back.

"I will."


"Lunch!" The sound echoed throughout the clammy cell, sending racks of pain through Hanuel's head.

He opened his eyes, feeling slightly better than before with the proper rest and Taehyung's 24/7 care.

"Yah, there are only 2 lunches!" Jungkook shouted through the iron crafted bars.

"Th-they only gave me two to give to you guys. I'm sorry." The young and unfamiliar looking guard apologized.

He took his place standing at the door, facing away and giving no attention to the criminals.

Jungkook passed a lunch to Taehyung before inspecting his.

"They're cutting back on the lunched now. All I have is a slice of bread and -what I think is- goat cheese." He scowled.

Taehyung didn't think twice about handing the bag to Han, but Jungkook stopped him.

"You need the energy to keep him alive, I can hold over until dinner tonight." He tossed the lunch to Hanuel's feet, who reluctantly grabbed it.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly.

Jungkook simply nodded, keeping his eyes glues to the trembling guard outside their door.

While Han snacked on the lunch, he took a moment to take in their surroundings. The cell was most obviously meant for two people, two cots, a shelf full of two blankets, flat pillows, and bland white, filthy outfits.

Hanuel still only wore his pants, and an old rag tied around his waist, acting as a makeshift bandage.

"You're new, aren't you?" Jungkook smirked widely, stepping towards the guard.

Taehyung sighed, knowing he'd try and find another way to escape.

"You cold?" He asked, fixing the blanket on his shoulders.

Hanuel shook his head, too afraid to speak anymore.

"Do you want to get your shirt on? It might hurt, but it could help." Jungkook pointed out.

"No no, the fabric could irritate the wounds and slow the healing process and then he'd only have one outfit." Taehyung shook his head.

A strange silence fell upon them, so the two boys in the corner shifted their attention to the guard.

"Y'know, letting us out of here would be your best option." Jungkook spoke to him.

He turned to him, fear stricken.

"Are you insane?" He mumbled.

"You're too young to be here. I'd say you're what, 18? 19? Are you an extra  servant maybe?" Jungkook knew for a fact that he was, in fact, a servant.

He wore an entirely different uniform that was specifically used for servants, such as Hoseok. Most servants had been transferred to guards, as the current king created a cruel way of controlling his land. They hated him, so he needed all the protection he could get.

"That's not something y-you should ask th-the person keeping you in jail." His eyes shifted over the the other wall, hoping to ignore him more easily now.

"Come on, we could get you out of here, set you free. We could run away, if you'd stop being such an uptight prick." Jungkook run his hand down the young guards arm, sending shivers down his spine.

"I-I can't!" He shouted a bit too loudly.
"Jungkook, leave the boy alone." Taehyung scolded.

Kook simply scowled and retreated to the corner with him, sinking to the ground.

"I will find us a way out of here, I can promise you that." He growled.

"Im sure you will, Kookie." Tae laid back against the wall once again, shutting his eyes tight.

Maybe it was because if he opened them again, everything would be exactly as he left.

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