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The remainder of the week went by very similarly. Jungkook and Taehyung bickering back and forth, guards forgetting lunches, Taehyung taking care of Hanuel's health, and Jungkook trying to convince literally everyone to let them escape. Hanuel was able to stand again, looking skinnier and more gaunt than ever before. Jungkook noticed, and made him eat his lunch some days, even when they did bring some for Hanuel. As days passed, Jungkook stopped acting tough and ridden with enmity. He smiled more, and even laughed when Taehyung would trip, or Hanuel spilled his lukewarm 'soup'.  Still, everyday edged closer to winter, and every day the already frigid temperatures dropped. 

"Wake up! You'll have an  other joining you tonight and going in a few weeks, be ready, we're having a shortage on lunches." The tall man walked off, who y/n knew as Soekjin. 

Jungkook and Taehyung had advised y/n of very few things, but they had a lot of meaning, as both of them had been there for about 4 years each. 

1. Don't ever give too much information away to guards, they could take advantage of anything that they knew if you were to ever get out of prison. 

2. Take care of the newbies, you never knew if someone was in jail for petty shoplifting, or psychotic murderer.

3.Never talk back to Jin, Jungkook thinks that he is the one who beat him so badly, while Taehyung says that he isn't that terrible.

While y/n obeyed these rules, he didn't have much of a chance to disobey them either. 

"Going in a few weeks?" Jungkook's confusion was shown though his words as he spoke to Taehyung.

"It can happen, that either means they're being transferred into a prison in another town, usually due to 5 or more inmates in one cell. Or... well..." He drifted off, looking uncomfortable with the words he was about to speak. 

"Or he's receiving the death penalty." Jungkook finished, shifting on his feet.

The death penalty had only been administered twice in Hanuel's life time. One was to a woman who was accused of selling her children to the black market. The other was to a man who had attempted murder. While the death penalty sounded like a punishment, the King played it off as a way to determine if they were guilty of the pleaded crime or not. The strategy was different every season. 

Spring was the season in which the victim of the punishment was beat, and if he were to survive, he is guilty, and would be burned in the center of the town.

Summer, they were thrown into a river with bound wrists and ankles. If they were to sink, they were innocent, and honor could be restored to their family. If they were to float, they would be left to drown in the rapids.

Fall was the season of hanging. 10 random villagers were brought together and asked if this seemed like something the suspected criminal would do. If there were more than 2 votes, the poor soul would be hung. 

Finally, winter. The arguably most brutal way to go out. They would be chained to the castle and left there to starve or freeze to death, whatever came first.

Hanuel shuttered, hoping the best for the poor soul, but the best would still result in death. 

"What do you think he did?" Hanuel became curious, wondering who this person was, and if they truly commit this crime. 

"Murder, most likely. That's the most likely crime to happen around here." Jungkook deadpanned. 

The 3 were scared to meet their temporary roommate, as the guy could be completely insane. They all huddled together, wrapping the blankets around each other. 

"I hate this place. I should have just ran, instead of taking the gold. To somewhere far away from here, where no one knows me, where I could start over." The boys silently agreed with Hanuel, slowly snuggling closer together. 

"I promise you, I will find a way out of here, and we will all be free again." Jungkook's voice croaked.

Maybe someday. 


Sorry it's short

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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