The Reaping 2

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Andrew Everdeen felt worry build up inside him as he made his way to the District 13 control room, where President Coin and her cronies would always air the annual Hunger Games because they liked to keep a tab on what the Capitol was doing. (He felt worry build up inside him...) The control room, at those times, was always empty. None of the residents in District 13 would ever want to watch the brutal and sickening show that was mandatory viewing in the districts ruled by the Capitol but since district 13 was not ruled by that far away city, the citizens were free to watch the show, or like most of them did, be oblivious to the fact that they even existed. There were always two men however, that would always watch the reaping of District 12, hoping to catch a glimpse of the family that they had left behind, and hoping against hope that their children wouldn't get called as tributes.

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