Primrose Everdeen

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As Mr. Everdeen walked into the room, he saw that his closest friend, and a miner that survived the same explosion he did, was already positioned with his hands behind his back, and was staring at the blank screen like it hid all the secrets to the world. Mr. Hawthorne and he would always watch the reaping together, crossing their fingers that the tributes this year were unfamiliar to either of them. As he sat down next to his friend, the huge television screen in front of him lit up with the seal of the Capitol. He then saw Effie Trinket, start off with her infamous words: "May the odds be ever in your favor" The only thought that he was capable of thinking was not Katniss, not Katniss, don't let it be Katniss. The name Effie read out wasn't Katniss. The name was Primrose Everdeen.

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