Primrose Everdeen 2

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What? Confusion overtook him. How was this possible? Prim wasn't eligible for the reaping yet, was she? She was only seven years old when he had left her. That was five years ago. Now she was twelve. It was her very first reaping he thought, thunderstruck. He watched her open-mouthed, as she took stiff, small steps to the stage. The blood was drained from her face as she mounted and took her place. Then, suddenly, there was a shift in the crowd below. Someone was moving towards the stage. It was a girl. Mr. Everdeen knew there was something familiar about the way she looked and walked, but he couldn't place it. He was to busy watching his younger daughter as she was about to be sent to her death. The girl he noticed before was now shouting something. She was volunteering to take Prim's place, but why? Who would risk their own life for the sake of a little girl that was a complete stranger? Then slowly, recognition dawned on his face. There was only one person that could, and would be willing to trade her life for Prim: Katniss. Prim had her arms around her elder sister as if to protect her from the horrors that lay ahead for her. Suddenly, a handsome young man, was carrying Prim away from Katniss towards their mother. Slowly, he realised who that boy was. He looked sideways at Mr. Hawthorne and he knew that he was seeing his oldest son, Gale. Mr. Everdeen now focused on Katniss. The brave, strong young woman that stood before him on the television was no different from the wild, energetic girl that he had parted with five years before, but now she had a look of maturity about her as if she had faced so many hardships all at a young age, which he supposed she had. He choked out a small sob as he saw her... For his whole life, he had watched tribute after tribute walk up onto that wretched stage. He never imagined that one day, he would have to watch his own daughter walk to her doom. He knew that if Katniss died in that cursed arena, he would never be sane again. His life would probably be lost with hers if she didn't come back home. His eyes welled up with tears as he saw her. He knew that Katniss was much braver than him. He was already bawling but watching her on that screen, he knew that no matter what happened Katniss would be audacious and resilient. He knew that she would certainly not cry. Some part of his brain, a small part told him not to give up hope yet. Katniss has a chance of winning the games, but the rest of him had given up all faith. He knew that Prim and Mrs. Everdeen would be beside themselves with him dying when he was not really dead, and Katniss being sent to her death. Their family was being obliterated. He hoped that Mrs. Everdeen would hold strong for Prim. He hoped that she would be able to take care of her and keep her alive.

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