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Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you guys know that I will be taking a break from making graphics for a while. I kinda messed up my computer and it was needed to be reformat and well, all my resources and photoshop is completely gone. It might take a while for me to find all my needed things ;-; The pngs was really hard to find so it's gonna be a pain in the ass to fill up my resources. The fonts too! Argh they were such a pain to download gdi—

I seriously wanted to join more contest but I guess it won't be happening any sooner now. But don't worry though! I'll be back again after my computer is fixed!

Thank you for your time in looking through my edits! I seriously appreciate them. I barely reach the 30th chapter of this book but we already reach 1.6k views! That's awesomee!! Thank you so much! You guys make my days a little better whenever I feel down ^^

                                                                     Sincerely yours,

                                                                             —Jaime ♥

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