Chapter XXXVI: Regina Mothafuckin' George

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"Jimin you can't be serious," Yoongi groaned as he and the younger waited in line for fucking "Mean Girls" tickets.

"Yes I'm serious, except I'm wearing sweatpants. Aw man." Yoongi rolled his eyes, "It's Sunday Jimin," Jimin elbowed Yoongi as it was their turn in line.

"Two tickets to see 'Mean Girls' please." The cashier nodded before handing the two the tickets. Jimin ran over to the food stands after they literally bought a fuckton of food at the convenience store.

"Can we share the nachos?" Yoongi asked, Jimin nodded adding extra cheese and extra butter to their popcorn. As they walked to the screening area the guard laughed.

"Well seems like you're the only two in this theatre for 'Mean Girls' go ahead and eat whatever food you guys brought with you. Just clean it after." Jimin squealed handing him the tickets before running into the theatre, sitting in the middle front row seat.

"Well? C'mon!" Jimin encouraged Yoongi to sit with him as the movie started, eating everything they brought with them.

"I don't get it! Why the fuck does Regina make the rules?!"

"Shes Regina mothafuckin' George, she does what she wants Yoongi."

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