Chapter 32 - Dead Sisters

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Lexie drove her BMW into the Palos Verdes High School parking lot in Lunada Bay with Chelsea in the front passenger seat. Every Sunday morning, Lexie brought donuts to the water polo practice that Jimmy and Dalton coached. Today, it was the twelve and under girls select team prepping for the Junior Olympics in August. Having the most popular girl at PV High bring them fresh donuts at the end of practice made the young girls feel special. It made their day. That was Lexie's heart of gold at work. The rain was coming down so hard that Dalton and Jimmy had to move practice from the outdoor pool into the gym and switch to dry land training. Practice was finishing up as Lexie and Chelsea walked in. Chelsea felt out of place as she hid behind her $400 sunglasses, not accustomed to random acts of kindness.

            "Hey girls," said Lexie. "Not to worry, rain or shine, I have your donuts."

            The tired young athletes smiled and hovered around the box of donuts. Dalton and Jimmy sat with Lexie and Chelsea on the bleachers until all the girls had been picked up by their parents. Once again, Lexie and Chelsea were trying to shake off monster hangovers. Dalton was cordial but standoffish to Chelsea. Today was the day he had to break things off with her but he still needed the green light from Ash. Chelsea sensed a distance between them as he seemed to be more focused on his text messages.

            "My parents decided to throw a dinner party tonight at the house," said Chelsea. "Only thirty or so people. Eight o'clock. You three are my guests. They're having it catered with plenty of food and an open bar. We can drink and fool around."

            "Thanks for the invite," said Jimmy. "We will be there."

            "My folks will be there as well," said Lexie. "I love housewarming parties."

            Dalton kept his head buried in his cellphone and did not respond.

            "Dalton?" said Chelsea, annoyed.

            "Sorry, what?" he replied.

            "You are coming to my parent's party tonight, right?"

            Dalton looked at her and relented. "Sure, I would love to come." By love he meant any excuse to see Ash. "Thank you for the invitation."

            "Of course," said Chelsea. "You are my boyfriend, remember?"

            "Ash just texted me," said Dalton to blatantly change the course of the conversation. "She and O are at the Malaga Cove Library with my grandfather. They went to the beach and got caught in the rain. She's asking if I can give them a ride."

            "Why are my sisters at a library with your grandfather?" said Chelsea. "And why is Ash texting you for a ride?"

            "I think I have an idea why," said Dalton.

            "Why don't we pick them up and all go get lunch at Malaga Cove Plaza?" suggested Lexie. "The beach is a bust today. You boys have at least an hour before your next job."

            "Brilliant," said Chelsea, sardonic.


The foursome entered the empty library and followed Dalton upstairs to the reading room after saying hello to Anne at the front desk. Chelsea, still wearing her sunglasses indoors, seemed confused by the sight of her two little sisters sitting around a table covered in books, newspapers and photos, engaged in a conversation with an old man.

            "Chelsea," said Dalton, "this is my grandfather."

            "Hello," said Chelsea as she stayed on the far side of the table.

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