Chapter 40 - Burning Flesh

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"Well," said Kurt, "that went as expected."

            Rex and Kurt had been escorted out of the McFadden mansion and now stood outside next to Rex's patrol truck in the sweeping driveway. Guests continued to arrive, oblivious to the danger that loomed over the vast property. The neighborhood was crawling with Sheriff's Deputies in patrol cars. The waning gibbous moon was only seventy percent full but still shined down like a natural spotlight.

            "We can't force them to leave PV," said Rex. "We could go public."

            "That may get Warren to leave. He seems to value his privacy."

            "Problem is we're not prepared for the media storm. Too many others will get involved. We'll lose control in an instant. Warren and his family will be forced to stay and answer questions. I'm afraid all we can do at this point is serve and protect. At least it stopped raining."

            "We need this horseman to come out tonight. We need to draw the fight. He's close. Maybe he likes parties."

            "He's waiting for something. The right time. He must have a plan assuming he can think. Otherwise, he would've just attacked by now. We cannot leave. Fine if Warren wants to risk his family, but we will be here waiting."

            "Maybe he'll turn to dust like the other corpses."

            "Maybe. I don't know though, there's something different about him. He's no ghost. We just don't know the rules of this game. I keep thinking I am going to wake up from this nightmare and it's the morning of the Fourth. Go for a nice paddle. Take the day off. Barbecue. But I think this is all actually happening."

            Rex took a moment.

            "So, when were you going to tell me you slept with her?" said Kurt.

            Rex looked at his best friend like a kid caught stealing. Even if Kurt had not been sure, he was now. "That obvious in there?" Now Rex was worried Warren had picked up on it as well.

            "No, but I know that look."

            "What look?"

            "Kit had that same look around you. I could tell by they way Warren's wife was acting around you. It was like I could feel the energy you two were generating in there when I walked between you. It was the damnedest thing."

            "Do you think Warren sensed it too?" Rex asked with true concern.

            "I don't know. How did you land that anyway? I'm baffled. When did you have time? She just moved here."

            "Not so loud. This morning. I bumped into her at Terranea last night. Somehow we ended up spending an hour together this morning."

            "Somehow? There is more to this. I need factual details. I am a detective you know."

            "Not the time or place for the full report. It doesn't matter because she is married. She is married to Warren McFadden. I'll never be with her again. Ever. End of story."

            "Holy shit," said Kurt. "You fell for her."

            "It's bad."

            Kurt squinted as he spotted something in the distance beyond the driveway. "Who's that with Lexie walking up the street?"


Dalton, now clothed, held Ash in his arms as the shock wore off and the tears began to shower down her face. Octavia grasped her sister's hand which seemed to restore positive energy within Ash's weakened body. Dalton felt O's power. It neutralized everything in the room. He was both embarrassed and ashamed in front of O. And not because she saw him naked. He'd wanted O to not only like him but accept him. She was Ash's best friend. After what she just witnessed, how could she ever do either?

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