The printer incident part 2

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(Art credit to scribs)

Trigger warning:Abuse and homophobia)

(Evans POV)

I-I can't believe it,me and Connor Murphy are friends I wish to be more than that but it's the best I can do now.I love the way Connor acts for some reason,I know it sounds weird and dumb...and stupid but it was so frightening but yet so mysterious and calm.I Also love that he paints his nails black,nothing but black from what I've seen,it's so cute I love it.

Sooner or later 4th period came and me and Connor were in the same class.And I love it but there was just one problem,suddenly I hear someone come into the classroom and I look to see who it is,"Hey Acorn,hows your emo edgy boyfriend?".J...Jared was in the class,but i had to try to make sure they don't get into and arguement,then suddenly Connor came in and jared yelled to him on the other side of the class."Hey!,Connor how's your little acorn boyfriend!?"Everyone started to laugh and giggle

Connor was Pissed,then I few seconds later with clenching his fist he yelled"Eveyone shut the fuck up!"Then the whole class was silent,he came over and sat next to me then he placed his head on his hand.I looked up at him and blushed Slightly then he Looked back at me.

(Connors POV)

I looked at Evan and saw him blush slightly,fucking cutie, I ruffled his hair And smiled slightly.Evan was so pure and it was adorable I continued to smiled and I brought out some blue nail polish and Grabbed his hand,Then started to paint his nails"Hansen"Evan replied"Y-Yes?"I said"The blue nail polish goes great with your eyes"I saw that there was a new teacher a-....Fuck.

(Jared's POV)

I saw that we had a substitute and it was Our second grade teacher.I looked at Connor and his face froze,It was hilarious.See look i'll Tell you why he froze,See me and Evan and Connor were in the same elementary school and middle school then high school.Well one day ms.D promised the Day before Connor could be the line-leader The next day,but then She chose some other random chick like hell I remember.Then Connor got so mad he grabbed a printer and threw it at her,I was dying of laughter and Ms.D barely missed,the principal didn't believe her and Connor Got away with it.

I saw the teacher look at Connor with a concerned look,See Connor always had Hair almost up to His shoulder ever since he was 5,So he looked very similar to what he looked like now.Second grade was wild.That was actually when I got my first kiss,Jacob brooks he was a phillipino and Mexican little boy,he had curly brown hair there was little stands of lighter brown and a little bit on blond curls in his hair,he Also has the cutest freckles all over him.

He goes to the same school but we just look at each other and smile and blush.hella corny I know,but he still had the same curly hair that looked poofy with still little random curls that pop out of his hair.My father found out and he slapped my face and yelled at me for kissing him then said I was going to hell and called me a fag..But forget that.The teacher looked at Connor and she went up to him and Slapped,I tried to hide my laughter but Connor yelled and Evan just stood there awkwardly.Then the principal came in and yelled for ms.D to go to his office,he apologized and said we had a free period.I just went on my phone ordering bathbombs.

(Connors POV)

I'm not even gonna lie,getting slapped hurt but I went back to painting Evans nails,"a-are you o-okay?"I replied"yeah,you worry a lot,it's adorable"I blushed then I saw Evan blush slightly.I laughed and saw Jacob and he went up to Jared and started talking.I just looked back at Evan and he said his nails were dried,then I smiled and rested my head on his Shoulders.Then I saw Jared and Jacob walking out the classroom.

Im happy for them

(Word count 670)

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