I got tagged Again!

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Again! Yay.

Thanks to AbiTheRavenclaw

1. Star Sign.
I honestly don't know. I've just never found out. According to Google, it's Taurus though.

2. Eye colour
That photo in the previous Chap ⬆️
Hazel, though. Green-Brown.

3. Favourite band.
Don't really have one...

4. Summer or Winter?
Winter. You can put more clothes on to be warmer, but you can't take your skin off.

5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No. There's attraction at first sight, but love? Nope.

6. What is under my bed?
Nothing! There's absolutely nothing under my bed! There isn't a human being there.. or anything...

7. How does music matter to me.
Without music, my life would be more boring than it already is.

8. Glass half empty, or half full?
I would say I think half full, but it's 3 days til Christmas for me, not 23 days done.

Tag 5 people.

Hmm. Who hasn't done this.


(Omg who else could I possibly tag?)

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