So This Is Happening Again

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Edit. I forgot to say who tagged me. Thanks to @ac110707 for yet another tag. :)

So this is happening again

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So this is happening again.

1. What is your hair colour?
A very dark blonde.

2. When is your birthday?
30th April

3. What is your biggest fear?
I don't really have a biggest fear, so to say. More like a load of smaller ones in joint first place.

4. Do you have a crush?
Maybe? I don't know if it's a crush or not.

5. What is the last song you listened to?
Somebody To Love - Queen.

6. Who is the person you trust mort, besides blood family?
Probably either my step grandfather, or my best friend.

7. Who is the last person you messaged?

8. How tall are you?
I am 5"6 and a half.

9. Who is your favourite band?
Hmm. Either Queen, or Panic! At The Disco. Fite me.

10. Tag 10 people.
Hate this bit.
Sorry that I have to tag you again, considering I probably just did it.


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