Tagged. Again.

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So. I got tagged again, by Greyeyes17
Here you go.

1. Name.
I don't think so. I tend to go by Cloud or Leo on Wattpad.

2. Relationship status.
Single Pringle here! What's your favourite flavour of pringles?

3. Crush.
Pfft. Nope.

4. Height.
I don't think I've actually measured myself for a few years. 5"6, approximately.

5. Birthday.

6. Best girl friend.
@Mehaksyeda she will always be there for me, and I always will be there for her.

7. Best guy friend.
Dunno. A guy named Max or a guy named Harry, I guess. I don't really talk to many guys.

8. Last song you listened to.
I Kissed a Girl - Katy Perry.

9. Last time you cried.
I don't know. I don't really record when I cry.

10. Last time you laughed and why.
I don't really record that either.
Hmm. Probably earlier today, when my brother told me what I probably the worst joke I've ever heard.
(How do you wake Lady Gaga up? Poke her face.)

Okay. So I don't have 20 friends, so I'll tag who I can.


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