Twin Beasts

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Running of feet on roof tops caught the beasts attention deep inside the waters of a small pond. It's tail flicked to move it's body upwards. It's duty was to protect the shrine of it's once close friend. They had many guards placed around but none whom could handle the strength of the person who seeks the shrine this very night. The tender fins of the beast waved gently through the waters currents. The beautiful colors of it's scales glistened in the moon's silver light. It's finger tips danced over the stone beneath it's body as it raised itself closer to the surface. Footsteps met the wooden walk way to the shrine as men fell to the waters below. The beasts body moved aside to avoid the falling humans. The eyes of the beast shot up to see a glimpse of dark clothing and the quill of arrows hanging from the human's body. A bow sat in the arms of the infiltrator. The beast shot through the water preparing to fight. It's body slid between stone and over formations of earth as it swam to reach the destination of the shrine. The scales of the beast held great strength as if made of iron crafted to be the finest armor known to man kind. Yet it grew naturally on this beast. A part of it's body and soul. The footsteps repeated above the unknown beast as it followed the trespasser. The body of the beast shot up into the open water inside the shrine. The beast watched closely as the male sitting in front of the shrine as he prepared a time of respects and honor for the fallen. It's body began to shifted back and forth waiting to strike.

"You are not the first one sent to kill me." The male spoke out. His voice was familiar to the beast. It's once friend before his betrayal and the beast was cursed. The beast shot down avoiding the gaze of those who are after Hanzo. A fight broke out and the beast jerked away. It swam underneath fighting to see the two rivals. They moved to a second floor which she was in able to reach her body shot out back to the outer pool. The moon hit the beast's scales as it met the cooler waters. It's body began to change into a humans as it forced out of the water. A female human showed leaping from the water and onto the side of the building. Her tail became legs and fins disappeared. Her body landed onto the wooden floor. Only one male sat on the wooden floor looking out to the skies. His eyes met the females. Hanzo gaped at the person before him. Not only had he seen his brother was alive but his friend from child hood.

"Satin......" His voice was but a whisper. Hardly audible as the wind took his words away. Her eyes stared into his as if slicing through the body of male before her. Hanzo stepped closer only for Satin to step back.

"What are you doing here Hanzo? You have been banned from this place. And whom ever was with you will suffer the same fate as you." Satin's eyes narrowed as her beast like qualities took over. The scales on her arms and cheeks grew slightly as her fangs sharpened in anger. Hanzo looked away to the skies once more where an arrow had flown to only moments ago. His eyes held hurt and sorrow. He was broken and it was evident.

"It was...... Genji...."

And then. Her world fell apart.

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