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"That had been three months ago. Yet I haven't found Genji no matter how hard I try.  But then again why would he bother with trying to find me. I wasn't anything more than a friend with benefits to him" Satin spoke smoothly with hints of sorrow laced in her words. Mercy was running a few routing check ups on Satin like usual.  Her tail sat up out of the water as Mercy ran her fingers over the beautiful dark scales. Greys,  blues purples and black ran over her tail and her fins where transparent greens. Mercy always admired the beautiful coloring over her friends tail. Her long purple locks fell over the scaled parts of her breasts dripping from the water around her. Overwatch had taken Satin in a few months back after an unknown source tipped one of the Overwatch members off about a strong force hiding in the pools of Genji's shrine. When they found her she had been basking in the sun and warm waters waiting for her morning meal. Instead she was given a job at Overwatch. She was given the duty for training in underwater combat and several other areas. Her knowledge of the outside world was endless and her years of living long. She could she every language and translate them with ease. Her strongest suit was translating the ancient languages and differing codes and hieroglyphs. Overwatch had her reading scrolls of the Shimada clan from older times and newer times. She could show them where to trace old traveling routes, war zones and so many more things in the Shimada clan's world. Yet through all of this Satin wasn't able to smile like she wished to. She couldn't laugh. Couldn't savor. All that she could to was cry. Cry, mourn and hate. Through all the years she wanted to do was feel the arms of her lover around her once more. Yet that was impossible. He was dead. Hanzo killed him for power and lied of his survival. Now she was alone. Cursed and alone. Her body was cursed to be one of a human and an aquatic beast. A siren was what she had become. She hated it. Every part of her new form she hated.

"He must be looking for you Satin. If he loves you then he won't give up. Neither should you." Mercy cooed taking her gloves of and disposing of them. Satin sighed and pulled her tail into the water and pushing of swimming to off a few feet. She resurfaced and blew water from her nose. Mercy packed up her objects and offered a loving smile to the siren before her.

"Just remember. I'll always be here to help you. No matter the cost." Satin smiled and flicked her long ears as a thank you before ducking under the water and swimming to the bottom of her tank. She sank down and rested her body on the cool stone they provided as a bed for her. She hadn't slept in days and was willing to try. She had nothing else to do until six tomorrow. For now she will sleep. Mercy walked out from the small aquarium closing the doors behind her as she stepped out. The cyborg next to the window was staring out longing at the siren as she rested her small figure. Even with his eyes shielded by a mask Mercy could tell they held sorrow in them. Genji had refused to see Satin. He was afraid she would reject his new body. His new everything. He had excepted his new form as well as his lovers. She still held such beauty from before he couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again.

"You should talk to her. Lord knows how much she wishes for your voice." Mercy looked to the cyborg as he lifted his hand from the window and turned away. His shoulders where slumped and posture decreasing as he thought over and over how much he wished to see his lover in his arms. To see her smile and hear the laugh he would always received a high from. Her beautiful eyes lighting up the world around her as she showed off the bright personality she held in her heart. Every moment away Genji spent from her he felt his being crumbling inwards as a part of him swam only several doors down from his room.

"She doesn't deserve to see me like this." Mercy set her things down and looked to Genji quickly.

"And her not seeing you is better. She loves you Genji. And every day she spends without you she loses a piece of her being. You need to see her." Genji looked to the pool once more then sighed turning away. His head shook as he walked away leaving Mercy feeling a large source of anger towards the Cyborg as he walked away. Away from the moment  he could feel his lovers arms around him and her scent fill his nostrils. She had no choice in this matter though. All she was allowed was to wait.

Satin's eyes opened as footsteps echoed out from above the water. Her curiosity was peeked and she rolled to her back. Propelling forward her tail swayed and pushed her. Her arms swayed as well helping with the speed. Quickly she shot up from the water and looked over to see a male figure. Her body fell back into the water and almost for a moment she could've sworn the male was made of metal. Her body stopped and propelled upwards once more. This time she only surfaced and looked at the male. Green glowed from his body giving off light for her to see his features. Metal covered the males face causing her to become even more curious. She swam closer to the male. He stepped back as she forced herself from the water and onto the stone before him. Her tail slapped the water gently splashing the male's feet. He seemed to be hesitant towards her making her want to know more of him.

"Can I help you?" Satin asked coolly while moving hair from her face. The male tensed before her then stepped closer to her. She shifted preparing to leap to the water in case this person was in fact a threat. He stepped closer and took in her features.

"I'm an old friend of yours Satin. A friend you lost long ago. " Satin tilted her head confused as the male crouched to her level. She looked to him closely thinking.

"A friend? One I lost. But who are you then?" The male reached up to his mask and removed the mask from his face. Slowly he revealed the features behind the metal piece.

"You know me best by the name Genji. " Satin's eyes widened greatly as his eyes met hers. The beautiful brown orbs that stared into her own where unmistakable to her. She had stared into them for hours on end before. She had studied every pattern and crevice in his eyes. Now she was able to see them once more. Her hand tenderly reached out and brushed his scarred face with the tips of her fingers. The skin was smooth yet rough as she traced beneath Genji's eye. Her heart lifted into her throat begging to be free from it's cage and to spill every word she wished to speak to her lover. Genji reached up and gently took her hand into his own leaning into her touch. Satin's eyes filled with tears and spilled over her cheeks. Genji looked into her eyes once more noticing the relief in hers.

"Genji........." She said in barely a whisper. It was hardly audible but Genji knew all to well what she had said. A smile spread over his lips and he nodded which she quickly returned along with a cry of joy. Her body leaped forward and her arms encased his shoulders into a deep loving hug. Her voice shook as sobs left her lips and drowned out every other sound. Genji held her close pressing kisses all over her cheeks, neck and shoulder. He held her body close lifting her from the water slightly. She pulled away and held his cheeks in her warm hands taking in his handsome features. His eyes, lips, cheeks and everything. She smiled and pressed her lips to his happily pulling him closer. He moaned happily and hugged her tightly releasing her once more.

"Genji. Your alive! Your truly truly alive!" Genji smiled and took her hands in his.

"I am alive. I'm back and I love you so much." Satin leaned close and rested her forehead to his.

"I love you too."

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