Shimada Dragon

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GUYS I'VE MADE UP MY MIND!! This story is going to be a bit different from the Overwatch story line and Imma add some paranormal stuff to it. It's gonna get really juicy and well I gotta hope for the best. So keep reading. Hope you enjoy.


Satin swam through the tank she now called her home while Mercy watched her. It was the time of month when Overwatch required it's members to partake in the Physical exam units. Mercy ran the exams and was later tested herself by a member one level above her. Now though she was testing everyone else and so far hasn't even scratched the surface of her reports. For each person she was required a check list exam, detailed document of past records, any health risk or risk behavior and many more. Mercy had decided she would collect the reports for those who were easiest to get. Satin being one. After all she could only stay in the pool provided. No doubt could she become human but only during times like the night Hanzo told her of Genji's survival after the dragon twins fight. Yet she hardly ever allowed her body to change into that form. Mercy sighed and noted a few things beside a check mark and then set her papers aside. Satin swam up to the surface after seeing the signal from Mercy to come up. Her ears twitched droplet off and her tail swayed keeping her afloat. She shook her head gently and looked to Mercy as the larger female walked closer to the pools edge.

"Did I do good?" Satin asked hopefully. Ever since she joined the Overwatch organization she felt as if she truly had a home. She enjoyed the small water tunnels that led through out the shrine built for Genji but it was still so lonely without the company of more than a few origami fish that swam with her. She had named them all after legends she was told as a child and they began to bond with her. Satin spoke with them , a skill she obtained with her curse, and formed a small family of her own. They had been transported with her back to the Overwatch base where children of all ages where given the chance to feed, groom, and bond with them. Each one was made for specific purposes. Leviathan the eldest and biggest fish was given the role of teaching older kids from ages 12-15. He was used for science projects, marine studies and several other factors. Athena the smallest but not the youngest worked along side children 3-5 years of age. She was more of a pet than anything. Her size was surprising due to how much she was fed everyday by admiring children. Zeus was the second biggest and the one children learned to care for. They gained skills for care taking of animals from him. He was even a proud mentor of several well known veterinarians. And finally there was Thor. He was used for underwater diving. Children from 8-11 dived and searched for him. They learned Patients, tracking, and hunting skills. His scales are very bright and easily noticed but when hidden in the right areas is nearly impossible to see. Mercy crouched down and smiled to Satin as the siren swam closer.

"You did magnificent. Your swimming ability is wonderful and agility fascinating. Yet you lack in combat and physical form. You have muscle but not for fighting. When out of water your. Well you a fish out of water." Satin chuckled and nodded gesturing to her tail.

"Very much so. Quite literally too." Mercy smiled and took out a stop watch. She held it out for Satin to see before taking it in her hand firmly.

"I want two laps around the pool. I'll record your first lap then second. Then the final score will be majority." Satin nodded understanding completely Mercy's intentions.

"But you have to do it without leaping from the water. Only swimming." Mercy warned. Satin looked out then swam to the wall gently touching it with her webbed fingers. Her tail swayed smoothly beneath the water as she balanced herself.

"When your ready Mercy." Smiling Mercy pressed the button holding it down readying her patient.

"Go." She commanded. Satin had pushed off and swam down the sides of her pool. From the sidelines she was only a blur of light purple skin and a dark tail. Her hair swayed beautifully behind her as she touched beneath Mercy signaling her first lap done. Mercy took not of her time. 7.4 seconds. Her eyes widened slightly and almost missed the stop button when Satin came to a halt from her second lap. Mercy looked at the time subtracting the first laps time. 4.6 seconds. Satin had nearly cut her time in half on the second lap. That made utterly no sense to Mercy as she stared at her watch. Rubbing away any non existent substance from her eyes Mercy took another look. The times where the same as before. Her eyes weren't deceiving her. Satin had in fact been that fast in her lapping of the pool.

"Satin you are a god created beast right? You had a mother and a father. The only thing making you different is the curse given to you?" Mercy looked to the siren eyes still gaping. Satin nodded slowly and swam to the edge. Her eyes held worry. Had her friend suddenly began to despise her? But for what? Had she said something or possibly done something that offended Mercy? Surely not seeming Satin only showed her caring affection and friendship.

"Yes. I was human born. Genji and Hanzo can attest to that but when Genji was struck down I was cursed to protect his shrine by his father. For one reason or another he had blamed me for his son's death. Why do you ask?" Mercy showed the times for each lap to Satin waiting fro the response.

"Your time. It's... impossible." Satin looked to Mercy utterly shocked. It couldn't be. Her time was in fact highly impossible. No human or creature under gods green earth was able to attest that speed like Satin has. She had no response and neither did Mercy. The only words spoken from either of them was a simple phrase. A question more of. It was directed exactly at Satin.

"Satin. Are you a Shimada Dragon?"

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