He will be mine

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Hello people who read this,this will be my first time writing smut,so,I'm sorry if it's kinda cringy,but, anyways,I hope you enjoy.

Tyler was sitting on the couch in the office,his whole body exhausted,when his friends mark, Ethan, wade and Bob walked over to him,their faces bubbling with mischief.

"Oh Lord, what the fuck did you guys do know?"he huffed,while scratching the back of his neck. He raised his brow as Bob shoved Ethan onto Tyler.

Tyler's eyes widened with shock as the smaller male straddled his lap. Ethan's hands were placed next to Tyler's head,and both of them were blushing hard."hey Tyler, someone has a crush on you!"teased mark.

Ethan snapped his head around,and looked at the three guys,quickly climbing off of tyler.he walked over to Bob and hit him"that's for pushing me"he snapped

As soon as Ethan turned away from the larger males,Bob reached out, his arm swinging to smack Ethan's head,when Tyler's muscular shape flew off of the couch, shoving Ethan out of the way,and grabbing Bob's arm. "Don't touch him"Tyler snarled

"Oh,so scary! Tyler rushing to his boyfriend's rescue!"taunted wade . Tyler threw Bob's arm down,and turned to wade,the anger burning so fiercely in his eyes ,that wade jumped back. "He's not my boyfriend,and yes,I'm going to protect the small blue berry."he huffed and turned to see if Ethan Was ok.

Ethan was on the ground, starring at Tyler,his eyes wide. He stood up,and ran out of the room,and out to his car. He thought of how Tyler jumped to save him,and smiled. "Away,Tyler, why can't you be mine..."he whispered. Ethan heard his name being called from behind him,and turned around to see Tyler rushing after him "hey,you ok bud?"he said,getting closer to the smaller male.  

I'mma leave y'all on a cliff hanger

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