Back Together Again

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"How did you know where I was?" I asked getting up and readjusting my mask so it hid most of my face, even though I knew it was pointless to try to hide my identity from my best friend / crush. He was Batman's partner, if I was able to find out his secret ID, then there is no way that he wasn't able to do the same.

"Really? I'm Batman's partner, I know how to track someone down. The real question is, why are you hiding from Wally?" He questioned crossing his arms over his chest, while he leaned against the desk.

"I don't want to talk about it." I mumbled getting up from my spot on my bed, and rubbing my face in attempt to wake myself up a little more.

"You can't just give me a note then say you don't want to talk about it! You know I know what your parents do to you. You know I've watched you for years, but what I don't get is why you didn't do anything about it." He said with concern etched across his face. Yes I have known for years that Robin has been watching me, it is usually only once a week after school. He watches me from the roof across the street as I do my homework, or get my daily punishment session from my mother.

"But you never did anything." I said, as a tear slipped down my cheek. He knew what my parents have been doing to me, yet did nothing.

"I knew that you could run away whenever you wanted, but you never did so there must have been a reason. So even though I wanted to come and rescue you everytime they hit you, I restrained myself because I knew there had to be a bigger picture. Also, I remembered this one time at the circus you told me that a reason you didn't want to run away was because even though they were hurting you, you had nowhere to go, plus no money or food. So I watched every time they hit you, despite wanting to punch them into tomorrow, ready to come and actually punch them myself if things got worse." He said softly, walking so he was right in front of me. He lifted my chin up so my eyes were now staring into his apologetic ones.

"I've missed you so much." I mumbled, taking off my mask so he could see the stray tear run down my face.

"I missed you too, Ave." He said with a small smile, as he took off his own mask. I didn't notice how little the space between us had gotten until we were interrupted by a beeping from Robin's communicator. We both jumped apart, now aware of how close we were. Dick gave an annoyed sigh before picking up the communicator and turning it on speaker.

"Robin report to the Batcave immediately....And tell Wisp to come too. We have a lot to discuss." He said, before shutting off the communicator.

"How did he do that?" I asked, laughing a little that Batman had already figured it out.

"He's Batman." Dick bluntly said, shrugging his shoulders. We both put our masks back on and headed over to Robin's motorcycle. He got out two helmets and handed one to me, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him.

"You realize I have super speed right?" I said chuckling a little.

"Yes, but you are in a bad space of mind right now. So do us both a favor and get on, before I tie you to the motorcycle myself." He said with a dead serious look on his face. I grumbled and took the helmet, knowing very well that he could actually take me down in a fight. He got on the bike with me climbing on behind him. I hugged his waist, causing him to tense a little before relaxing and driving off into the city.

"I missed you." He said into the coms, in our helmets, disrupting the silence that had formed.

"You already said that." I said, giggling a little.

"I know but it is true. I regret leaving you there at the circus the moment I had gotten in the car. Then, once I had found out that your parents had found you again, I searched for you for a month. I found you sitting in your room, crying as you looked at a picture of both of us. I wanted to comfort you but your mom came in before I could. I should have taken you away from that place, and convinced Bruce to take you in." He said rambling on, I interrupted him by squeezing his middle gently and pressed my body against his back, hugging him.

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