This Is Too Intense! Good Thing I've Got A Great Boyfriend!

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"Then he was like, 'We have come, seeking Doctor Fate for we are true believers.' Sending us to our doom just to impress M'gann over here." Artemis said pointing at said martian.

"Well that sounds like Wally." I said chuckling a little bit. "What happened next?"

"Let's just say that Wally learned that not everything can be explained by science." M'gann said as we rode into the hanger on our motorcycles. I made sure to put my sunglasses back on as we grabbed our bags and dismounted our bikes, before making our way towards the computer where the rest of the team was standing. I looked around only to scrunch my eyebrows in confusion over the absence of my boyfriend.

"Where is Robin?" I ask gaining the attention of the three boys in the room.

"Oh. Hello girls! He went on a mission with Batman." Kaldur answered before turning back to the other boys to continue their conversation. I nodded, before walked over to the zeta tubes.

"Phoenix B09." The computer announced as it engulfed me in a blinding, white light. When the light cleared, I was back in the dark Batcave. I walked over to the computer, to see Alfred sitting at the chair in front of the computer, talking through the coms to the dynamic duo. Deciding to let them work, I quietly made my way up the stairs to the living room, and plopping down in one of the couches. I turned on the TV to watch the news, then took out my new clothing, getting to work on cutting off the tags. Though, the moment I cut the last tag, the newscaster says something causing me to freeze in horror.

"Two dead bodies were found yesterday by two local policemen. Later this evening, they were confirmed as the bodies of Mary and Rudolph West, parents to the earlier deceased child, Avery West. In other news-" The lady continued on but I tuned it out. My parents. Dead. I don't know how to react. I was happy, sad, angry, relieved, confused, and worried all at the same time. I slowly picked up my pile of clothing and dropped it off in my room before changing and heading to the gym in the manor. My face had not left the expression of nothingness since I heard about it. I get in my ready stance in front of the punching bag, before starting my exercise. Left. Right. Duck. Shift. Left. Right. Duck. Shift. I continue the pattern while my brain tries to comprehend the information. After a while, I start to feel the painful ache in my muscles, so I move to the gymnastic equipment, ignoring the blood on my knuckles from the constant punching. Though, just as I was about to start, a wave of sadness hits me like a semi truck crashed into me, causing me to fall to my knees on the mat, sobbing.

"Ave. I just wanted to-" Dick says as he walks into the gym only to see me on the floor. "Avery!" He shouts before sprinting over to hold me in his arms. I grip his shirt as I sob my heart out as he rubs my back soothingly. I could feel him to a brief search of my body, and after he concluded that it wasn't something physical that I was crying about, he continued to rub my back.

"Ave. What is wrong? Did something happen at the mall?" He asked softly as he continued to rub soothing circles on my back. I calmed down to the point of only a couple stray tears trailing down my face.

"After everything they have done to me, I can't believe I'm crying for them." I muttered stuffing my face into Dick's shirt.

"Who?" He asked wiping the tears away with his hand that wasn't supporting my back.

"My parents." I said softly as I felt his grip tighten. "And the worse part is I don't know how to feel. They abused me everyday, said hurtful things and sometimes wrote them on my skin with a knife. Sure most of it was bad, though I can't help but remember all of the good moments we had. They took me out for ice cream when I got a perfect score on my science test. Plus every birthday, they took me out to get one toy and was nice to me for the rest of the day. Even if they did throw the toy away the next day, I would still get another next year and be able to play with it for at least 24 hours. They provided me with food, a house, shelter, and education, but they also did so many horrible things to me, so why am I sad?" I asked as Dick stayed quiet and listened. Once he was sure I was done, he answered my question, pulling me up so that we were both kneeling on the mat, staring into each other's eyes.

"Because you are always looking at the best in people, no matter how evil they can be. You are kind and brave for going through such a rough childhood. If someone is in trouble, you don't hesitate to save them, even at the cost of your own life. Your past defines you. Your parents shaped you to be the woman you are today, even though it was the worst thing you could do to a child. The scars on your body are reminders that you are strong and will overcome anything that stands in your way. You are sad because, even though your parents were evil human beings, they gave you the life you have now. Without them, you would have never had friends like M'gann and Artemis, never live in a house like this with all the money you could ever dream of, and most importantly, you would have never met me. We would have never met if your parents never left you at the circus. You would have never met my parents or become apart of the Flying Graysons. You would have never become the girl I fell in love with." He said before pulling us together, making our lips meet. Sparks lit throughout my whole body, making me shiver at the glorious feeling. Dick grabbed my hips, pulling me into his lap causing me to wrap my arms around his neck to support myself and deepen the kiss. We both didn't want to break away but the need for air was getting greater by the second. We broke apart after what seemed like an eternity of bliss, resting our foreheads on each other as we struggled to catch our breaths.

"Thank you." I whispered, looking into his sparkling blue eyes.

"Anytime my love." He said in a teasing tone causing me to playfully glare at him.

"How about a little late night patrol?" I ask getting up and offering Dick a hand. He quickly took it, before I pull him up so he is standing next to me.

"Are you sure you are up for it?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. I glare at him and cross my arms across my chest.

"You literally just said I'm strong. Plus earlier you said that I was the strongest girl you know." I said causing his eyes to widen in realization.

"I know but I was hoping for you to wait until tomorrow to start the hero work again." He said batting his blue eyes in a pleading manner. I stared at them in wonder for a second before shaking my head to snap out of it.

"You almost got me. I need to blow off some steam, so I'm going with or without you." I said walking out of the gym with Dick running after me. I wasn't stupid enough to go alone but Dick didn't need to know that, besides, I knew he would follow me.

"Fine." Dick grumbled as he walked next to me towards the grandfather clock. We walked down the secret passage way into the Batcave to see Bruce and Alfred in a seemingly important discussion. Both Dick and I quickly changed in our uniforms and hopped on our motorcycles before either of the older men could stop us. However, just as we were about to drive away, Alfred called out to us, stopping us in our tracks

"And where do you two think you are going?" He asked with his hands on his hips in an authoritative manner. We both turned around to see Bruce and Alfred standing directly behind us.

"Late night patrol?" I said but it came out more as a question.

"And where are you two patrolling?" Bruce asked studying us, trying to detect the slightest hint of a lie.

"The center of town." I said cowering back a little. They both seemed fine with that because right after I said that they immediately eased up.

"Okay then. Have fun." Bruce said before both him and Alfred turned back to walk back towards the computer, then starting their conversation again. The two of us shared a confused look before driving down the tunnel towards the middle of Gotham City for a night full of swinging from rooftops, like the birds we are.

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