3. Heavy Rain

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*With Levi*

The bathroom door opened without a sound.

Levi stepped out into the cool hallway wearing nothing but a thin white towel around his slim hips, a cloud of steam trailing out of the room behind him.

Using another smaller towel, Levi gently ruffled his hair to help it dry. Droplets of water dripped from the ends of his moist ebony hair and fell onto his body, slowly trailing down his dampened skin and slipping over his finely sculpted muscles.

At this moment, Levi was truly grateful that he lived in his apartment alone. First off, there was no one to compromise the pristine sanitary conditions that he worked tirelessly to maintain in his home. Second, there would be no one to see him like this and look upon him with either envy or lust.

Don't get it twisted, Levi wasn't arrogant or vain at all. In fact, he was quite modest and hated when anyone excessively praised his abilities or appearance. That's why he was annoyed whenever someone saw him like this, because they would either smother him with compliments or glare at him with jealousy from afar. He internally shuddered at the memory of his so-called "friends" dragging him on a road-trip to the beach. That hellish day of annoyance was a prime example as to why he avoided going out- especially with other people. He preferred to keep to himself by himself, which was a concept that no one seemed to understand.

From the gossip-loving elderly woman next door who came by sometimes to give him a plate of cookies and to ask when he was getting a lady friend, to his coworkers who would drop by to visit him, to a certain bespectacled brunette who made it her life's goal to annoy the shit out of him; No one could grasp the concept that just because he was alone, that did not mean he was lonely. As much as he silently, and begrudgingly, appreciated their concern for him sometimes he just wished that they would all back off and give him some space. He would love to finally have some time to thoroughly clean his apartment at his own pace and savor a cup of hot tea in peace.

Just as he thought about acting upon his wishes to enjoy his alone time, fate decided to intervene. On cue, Levi's thoughts were interrupted by his cell phone ringing in the living room from its place on the polished glass coffee table.

Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance and pulled the small towel from his head to drape it around his neck as he walked down the hallway and into the living room. Bending down slightly, he quickly and smoothly scooped up the cell phone and glared at the caller ID. His brow furrowed, though, as the number shown on the illuminated screen wasn't one that he recognized. After a moment, he assumed that whoever was calling him was a telemarketer and accepted the call only to tell them to leave him alone.

"Whatever you're selling, I'm not interested. Remove me from your calling list, pester someone else, and never bother me again." He growled into the phone darkly.

Just as Levi was pulling the device away from his ear, a familiar voice sounded from it, making him pause.


Mentally placing a face and name to the voice, Levi pulled the phone back to his ear and spoke to confirm his guess as to who was calling him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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Humanity (Ghoul! Levi x Reader) *Modern AU* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now