Chapter 4

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*Nine years ago*

Last night's kiss had haunted him so much he'd barely slept because he kept wondering if she'd been affected the same way. If she had any inclination about how many times he wished she would have followed him up to his bedroom.

Don't tell, okay?

It had taken every part of him to keep that smile on his face. Gabriella Montez was driving him absolutely crazy. She'd refused to look at him all morning, even when he sat right in front of her. The way she chewed on her bottom lip made him hungry to have a bite himself. He'd wanted so badly to kiss her senseless in the pantry.

There was a knock on the front door and Troy opened it. Coming face to face with Thomas Grace standing on his doorstep, his glossy brown hair neatly combed, looking like he'd just come back from fucking Sunday school. Douchebag. The kid was constantly over hanging around with Kelsi and Gabriella. At first, he thought he was going to have to deck the kid for attempting to put the moves on Kelsi. Then much to his horror, he realized Kelsi was not the desired target.

"Hey, I rang the bell and next door and no one answered. I assumed they're over here." Thomas said with a smile.

Troy reluctantly stepped aside, stomping on the urge to slam the door in his face. "Dining room."

Kelsi was coming around the corner just as Thomas was going in the opposite direction. She waved politely and as soon as he was gone she rolled her eyes. "He's like a puppy," Kelsi whispered as she walked towards him. "A perfectly groom puppy wearing too much cologne. He's always around. I can't believe he's following us to college just so he can worship Ella."

Troy did his best to look uninterested. "What's the matter, Kelsi, feeling like a third wheel?"

"Go to hell," she shot out as she went for the stairs.

Troy was about to close the door when Chad's red jeep pulled up outside filled with some of their buddies and a couple of girls. "Yo, Hoops!"

"Hey," Troy waved and lifted his bag up. "What's all this, I thought we were driving out later."

"We are, but the crew wanted to have one last Bolton Bash, what do you say? Up for a quick game?"

Troy weighed his options, and in the end, decided to hang out for a game in the driveway. Upon seeing the small army outside his house his father ordered a bunch of pizzas. Another wave of guilt filled his stomach. He was trying too hard to be the cool dad. To let everything slide and do everything he could to show Troy they were good. Because good meant he wouldn't tell his mother about what he saw.

Good, meant Troy would stay quiet and his father would just keep pretending as if nothing had changed. As if they were still the picture-perfect family for everyone to see. The house where all the kids came to hang out. The fairy tale.

He rolled his eyes as he shifted his attention back to the game. He never really liked basketball. The only reason he'd gotten into it was because his dad volunteered to coach the team. What started out as a way to bond with his father slowly became a prison cell of expectations and responsibility. He was the coach's son. Which meant he had to work harder than the rest of the team, rightfully earning his team captain position.

And with the position came an unwanted celebrity status. Everyone wanted to be a part of the fairy tale. Everyone wanted to be close to him just to feel a little bit of that perfect family glow. Troy hated it. He was sick of it. His eyes wander over to Ella, Thomas, and Kelsi as they sat on the porch talking about something.

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