Chapter 1: Mornings.

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I wake up passed out on my couch. The tv's still on and the sun is still up. I get up and check my phone. Five unread messages. Of course.
Mom: Your sisters in the hospital call me.
Mom: Answer your phone.
Mom: Hello?
Mom: Get up.
Mom: Call me.

Ugh. I get off my couch ignoring my phone and go into the kitchen. I decided to make some tea. I pour some warm water into the tea kettle and get a cup out of the cupboard. I grab a tea bag and the kettle starts whistling so i pour the boiling water into the cup and plop in the tea bag. Ugh, mornings. I thought as i took out the milk and sugar and put some of each into the tea i put the milk and sugar away and take a sip of the warm tea and of course i burn my tongue. Its the weekend so i dont have to worry about school. I remember the texts my mom sent me and thought i should try and call her back. I walk back into the living room and get my phone and dial my moms number. She picked up on the third ring. "Hey mom." I sigh into the phone. "Why werent you answering my texts?" She questioned. "I fell asleep im sorry." I admit slightly embarrassed. "Ok well your sister tripped down her stairs and is in the hospital with a broken foot and rib." She says worried. "Is she ok?" I ask not interested in the response. "Yes she will be back home in two days they just want to make sure she will be fine on her own. I might end up staying at her house for the next week. Is that fine with you?" "Yes mom." "Ok good. Well i will let you finish whatever you were doing. Bye i love you." "I love you too. Bye mom." I hung up and sat my phone down onto the couch. I went into my bedroom and changed into a pair of black high wasted skinny jeans, a baggy black crop top, and some black and white Nikes. I decided to call my friend
Asher to see if he wanted to go to the local park with me. Of course he said yes. Asher and i have been best friends since the third grade. He has helped me through a lot. My first boyfriend, my first fake friends, and even the divorce of my parents. He was and still is the person i always go to if i need help. Except recently hes been really distant. He's been hanging with the "school punks" lately but hes normally this really sweet guy. But hes been acting rude and has been ignoring me so thats why i want to meet him at the park. I grab my bag and pack some books and my MacBook Air and put it in the bag. Zip the bag up and sling one of the straps over my shoulder. I go over to my mirrior and take a look at myself one last time before exiting my room and shutting the door. I sprint down my stairs and go out the door. I shouldve brought a jacket i thought to myself as i started to run towards the park. When im halfway there i slow down and decide to just walk. I close my eyes for about to seconds and breath in the semi cold air. Until i run into someone. I open my eyes. I whisper to myself "Holy shit."


Hey guys this is a new book yay. I wont be able to post that often bc i have school but i will try. Idk if im going to do authors notes in this book so yeah. Good luck with trying to understand what im writing.


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