Chapter 1

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"I'm home!" I called out to my flat mate, Derek, as I walked through the door and into the dining room. My purse was soon plopped onto the dining table and I headed for the couch and sat down.

I let out a sigh of relief as I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to whatever channel I had watched last.

Doctor Who.

Nothing like a nice DW marathon to watch after a long day of scanning things under a machine and having people give me their money.

"Derek?" I called out again unsure to why he hadn't replied to me and heard no response.

He must be out, probably getting me a gift seeing as my birthday was tomorrow.

I was turning 25. I haven't really done much with my life in those 25 years, and was sort of like Rose; blonde hair, blue eyes, working in a shop, in love with the Doctor. We're practically sisters!

I pondered on about this for a few minutes when I heard the familiar whooshing sound of the TARDIS.

"Derek!? How are you doing that?" I exclaimed as I listened excitedly. It didn't sound like it was coming from a speaker, it sounded like the TARDIS was just in the next room!

I carefully turned the corner into the kitchen and my eyes grew big like watermelons from what I saw.

"Oh my god."

In front of me was a life sized TARDIS barely squeezed into the tiny kitchen space, and papers were scattered all around the floor. Any Whovian's dream.

I was waiting for Derek to pop out from behind and yell 'Surprise!' or 'Happy Birthday!', but nothing popped out from anywhere. Just me, Aiyana Shea, and a TARDIS.

I was about to open the door when an all too familiar face replaced it.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor."

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