Chapter 3

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After locking the knocked out Zygon in a closest in the supposed Derek's room, David was heading out. I had so many questions to ask, but I felt like it would take forever.

"So are you leaving now?"

"Before I do, let me ask you something," he started, "How do you know who I am?"

If the Zygon was real, did that mean...?

My eyes shot open as I realized this was the Whovian's biggest dream. Could he really be real?

"I think you should see this," I stated blankly and showed him to the telly. I turned on my favorite episode of him, New Earth, and we sat down.

As it started he was staring at it with great intrest. When he saw his face I saw him look like he had just watched his TARDIS disappear in front of his eyes.

"What! This can't be possible!" he shouted at the screen and stood up. He just stared at me like I had ten heads.

"Is my whole life documented!? I don't remember seeing any cameras... Is this how you know all about me? Maybe I fell into a parallel world... Yea, parallel world... But parallel worlds are always bad," he rambled. I could see by the way he looked that he was having a battle of thoughts in his head.

"Could I see your TARDIS?" I asked, still conflicted with my own thoughts weather this could be true or not.

He looked at me with a look I couldn't quite determine, but then he replied;


He took off and I ran over to him in the kitchen. He went inside the magical blue box, and I followed earnestly.

When I peeked around the corner I had to brace myself against the side to keep me from falling over.

"Welcome to the TARDIS. It stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space." As he spoke those beautiful, famous words, my legs felt like jello and I was getting light headed from breathing so hard.

"It's bigger on the inside!" I exclaimed and I saw his smirk from his favorite remark.

An awkward silence fell around the room, but my eyes were buzzing around looking at the TARDIS in awe. I pinched myself to confirm that I wasn't dreaming, and sure enough I felt the pain twinge through my arm.

This is it. The real thing. The TARDIS. A real, bigger-on-the-inside, TARDIS... That I was in!

Emotions raced through my head about how I was actually in the TARDIS, with the amazing Doctor. I could now feel the blood pumping through my veins from my excitement.

My first instinct was to take out my phone and show the Whovians on social media that the Doctor was real, but I was frozen in one spot from my eternal happiness.

The only theory I could come up with why the Doctor wasn't real is that he was in a parallel universe, fighting the parallel monsters, with parallel companions. But why was he here? Had he fallen through here like what happened with Rose, Mickey and him?

"Did you fall through to this parallel universe?" I finally asked him after trying to soak everything in.

"Actually, I think I might have. It tastes a little different here. And the TARDIS had some major shaking as we were landing."

I just now considered that he probably had the same companions as in the series, or at least someone he was traveling with. "Have you had companions, like Rose?" I asked, carful as to not spoil anything.

A wave of sadness crossed his face as I mentioned her name, and he looked up, grief in his eyes. I nodded, showing my understanding.

"Anyone else...?" I asked carefully again, but with more empathy in my voice.

"Donna. I had a friend named Donna. Brilliant, she was. But she had to forget me because- Oh you probably know already," he snapped and set down in his torn up chair with his head in his hands. I knew he felt awful. Loosing his companions made him feel terrible and irresponsible, and now he's telling himself that he can't travel with anyone anymore. But I wanted to help.

"Doctor! Don't blame yourself!" I said as I walked over to him and put my arm around his hunched shoulder. "Who else gets the opportunity to see space and the stars? Huh? I know Donna won't remember, but somewhere in time, she will be traveling in it! But just remember the good times she had with you. The Doctor, the Oncoming Storm, the Saver of Worlds, the man of impossible, mad, and amazing opportunities. You give so much Doctor, and it's about time you realized it."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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