Chapter 2

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My mouth was gaped open in awe as David Tennant stood in front of me. David Tennant. He looked the same as he did when he was the Doctor, same sticky-upy hair, same Converse hightops, and even the same suit! He looked younger, like he was from 2008.

He stepped out of the TARDIS with a goofy grin on his face. "And who might you be?"

I was still standing with my mouth hanging open as I struggled for words. This is definitely the best birthday present I have ever gotten. I wonder how Derek could have paid for David Tennant and a TARDIS...

"Aiy..Aiyana Shea," I managed to mumble as he just stared at me with his big brown eyes. If Derek had done this, wouldn't he at least told him my name? Maybe he just forgot.

"Well then Aiyana Shea, could you tell me what year it is? I always forget. Short-term memory loss. Nothing to worry about. Well, maybe... I do remember that I had toast this morning, or wait, was it cereal..." he rambled and I giggled. He was adorable when he rambled, well, when he pretended to ramble.

"It's 2014," I said laughing. "But you can drop the act now. You did a really good job though! You look and act exactly like you did as the Doctor!" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me like I had ten heads.

"Who do you think I am?" he asked me with curiosity. I rolled my eyes.

"David Tennant!"

"David Tennant?"

"David Tennant."

I was slightly annoyed now but decided to change the subject. "Would you care for some tea?"

"No thank you," he replied quickly, "But I would like to know why my machine is going ding when it only goes ding when a shape-shifting alien is nearby. Got anything for me?" he demanded suddenly, showing me his ding machine that really was going ding.

"Like a Zygon?" I asked with an unamused look on my face.

"Yes like a Zy- wait, how do you know that?"

"I watch Doctor Who...?" I replied with annoyance in my tone.

"What do you mean you watch Doctor Who?"

I was about to make a rude remark when we heard a thump coming from the other side of the flat, near the bedrooms to be exact. Without hesitation, David leaped up and ran towards the noise. I called out to him but he ignored me and continued his mission.

When I finally caught up to him I was surprised at what I saw.

A big, red, rubbery Zygon was standing in Derek's room growing at David.

"Okay guys! I think this has gone on too far. You can stop now!" I informed them, but David grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind him and we bolted down the second floor stairs.

We were both panting by the time we got out the door, and Derek came walking out with a bewildered expression.

"Stay back!" David warned, but I ran up to Derek to thank him for the annoying, but absolutely fantastic present. Instead of getting a hug in return, I felt him grow taller and stickier in my arms. I looked up at the newly transformed Zygon but David pulled me back next to him.

"I'm sorry, but Derek was never your roommate... He was an alien the whole time you knew him." When David said that I was shocked. My best friend for all these years was a Zygon, a proper Zygon! Like from Doctor Who... I realized that if these were special effects, they were way too good to be fake.

The Zygon was staring at me longingly, but then it looked like it was going to charge.

David flung out this Sonic Screwdriver and buzzed it at the mantle above the door. It crumbled and struck the Zygon's head and it fell to the ground.

Heyo! Thank you for reading the second chapter of my sucky book! I might post another chapter soon... But hey, thanks for almost 20 reads on this book and almost 60 reads on my other book ! It's really cool to see that real people read my books. (Especially you crazy student ;) )

Yay! Byeeee!!

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