19 - Rejection Sucks

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I woke up late from a bad dream the next day. In the dream Amiel and I are going out and to my horror and I didn't know what the hell happened to us but it ended up that we grew apart and we weren't friends anymore and I was regretting everything.

I sat down my bed. Amiel wasn't around. I assumed that he head home. My eyes hurt, I assumed from all the crying I did earlier. I got up my feet and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I was thinking about the dream I had. It was depressing. I went back at my bedroom. I began stripping. I knew no one was there. I unhook the hook on my bra and was about to take it off when I glanced at my bed. There was Amiel looking at me and he had a piece of bread on his mouth. I was surprised I screamed. Jeremy came on the bathroom door.

"What happened Sabrina?" Jeremy looked at me. I think he taught Amiel was doing something to me. I mean everyone might think of that upon seeing me---half naked.

"You bastard. What did you do to Sabrina?" he jerking Amiel off. Amiel looked like his soul had come out of him. He was kind of pale in color. Upon seeing the two of them, I started too laughed. They both stopped and looked at me.

"WHAT?" they asked a little confused.

"Get out of my room. Both of you" I commanded. Then they went out through the balcony door. I dressed myself up and went to Jer's room.

"Sorry. I was shocked to see Amiel there. I was stripping and He didn't even said a word." I explained.

"I was kind of in shocked too. I didn't even know you were there I thought you were at the toilet and next thing I knew you were taking your bra off. I was like froze in the spot. I'm sorry" Amiel explained his side of the story.

"Ha-ha. If that happens, then I would ask you to marry me." I teased.

"Uhm. Can we do it again? Ha-ha" said Amiel jokingly "I will hide and appear when you are completely naked. Then you are mine" Amiel laughed like an evil scientist.

"Stupid" I said. Then everyone just laughed. "What were you doing there in the first place?"

"I prepared breakfast for you. It was on the side table" said Amiel "oh shoot. I'm gonna get it for you. Just wait here". Amiel ran to my room.

"He loves you." Jeremy said. I was stunned for a second. I didn't imagine that words would come to my brother's mouth"

"I..I just --." Then Amiel came to the balcony door with the food he made.

"Okay, let's eat this." I said.

"It's just for you" Amiel told me.

"Hey its mine and I want to share it." I stuffed a piece of bread on my brother's mouth

"Hey don't drag me into this." Jeremy said

"Ha-ha. Thanks Amiel. You're the best." I smiled at him. Then munch all the food he made for me.

"Hey, let's go out." Jer suggested. "To the mall or something." he added.

Amiel headed home to get ready. As soon as he got out Jer and I got ready to. I was in my room and Amiel came barging in.

"I'm ready!" Amiel shouted as he walks towards the bed. I don't know what really got to me but before I know it I was walking towards Amiel. I pushed him on the bed got on top of him and it happens. I was about to kiss him but I got into my senses. Ahhhhhhrg. This is very wrong. Then Jeremy popped out of the door.

"Oh my ghaad, Sabrina Antoinette Nicole Bjorne! What are you doing with Amiel?"

I looked at him. "Wrestle?" I answered. I looked at Amiel and stood up. "Come on let's go to the mall." Then we all went to the mall just to hang out.

We walked and walked to the mall to find a great spot. Santana and Jer watched a movie so we parted ways. Amiel and I just sat there and just talked.

Amiel was just looking at me. "Hey Amiel, am I weird?" I asked him.

"No you're not, you are perfect."

"Why would someone hurt me? i loved him and then he just broke my heart."

"Ha-ha, you know, life is really unfair." Amiel laughed at that thought.

We talked about things from the past and reminisced again. Oh ghaad. This reminiscing thing comes at us a lot.

"Remember when we were kids?" Amiel started "we were always with each other? And you may not remember but you were my first kiss. We were about 8 years old that time. Someone punched me from saving you. I cried a lot because that was so painful. But you shooed them away."

"Ha-ha-ha I remembered that clearly, I was the one who was bullied but I was the one who also shooed those kids away. And boy you cried so much that time. I remembered I kissed you on your lips just to shut you out. Ha-ha-ha. So this kissing thing was our routine even when we were kids."

"I think so" Amiel answered

"But isn't it wrong to want more of it?" I looked at Amiel and held his face again. I ran my fingers through his lips. "Oh shoot. I'm doing it again" and I laughed.

"It's not wrong if we are together. I love you Sabrina. I never knew it until the battle but I think I loved you ever since" Amiel said

Oh my ghaad. Did he just confess? I've just stepped out of a relationship. But this is what I've been waiting for. Butterfly riot on my stomach again. But then I remembered the dream. I don't want to lose him forever. I want him to stay.

"I'm sorry Amiel. Friendship is what I can offer to you. That's all."

"Oh. Yeah. It's okay Sab. I know." He said with so much effort

"Hey Amiel, look" I held his face with one hand and the other on his hand. "Please smile. I don't want to see you like that. Look do you want me to sleep at your pad tonight? To keep you company?"

"No, don't bother Sab. I'm fine I really am." Amiel smiled. "Let's go home. I'm kind of tired."

"Okay" I said. I think the rejection thing isn't a good thing either. We went straight home.

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