Let Me Explain

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Veronica's POV

It's been 3 days since Jughead and I were assigned as partners, and let's just say, things haven't gone all too well. Jughead hardly talks to me, so we can hardly work on the project and i'm getting sick of it. I hate my father for what he did and i even hate myself for letting it happen. If id just told someone i wouldn't have a problem, i would've had protection. I've tried explain to Jughead without explaining everything but he won't listen.

"Jughead, please can you just hear me out, i want to talk about what happened."

Jughead rolled his eyes. "Veronica you ruined our lives, you took everything away from us. You really can't expect me to care for you enough to hear you out."

"Do you even know what really happened Jughead? Did Betty tell you everything?"

"What? Your fathers plans for the southside and how you new about it but were told to keep it a secret. You could have told us sooner. There was nothing stopping you."

"In a matter of fact, there was something stopping me. I've only ever told Betty and being the best friend she is, didn't tell you what really happened because she would have known that i didn't want anyone to know and i'd rather have people hate me rather than people feel sympathy. She knows what happened and she is the one who decided not to tell you out of respect of me." I said with fire.

"Gee Veronica, no one would ever feel sympathy for you after what you did. No one." he said rolling his eyes and getting angrier but the second.

"You know what Jughead. Fuck you. I tried explaining but you keep dragging me down. So maybe, just maybe if you would listen to me for 1 second, you may be able to understand, but i've had enough. I do, i really do feel sorry for you and the Serpents, i have so much anger towards my father and i still do bu-"

"Stop there Veronica I don't car-"

"No Jughead you stop and listen. I hate my father and still do, but i'm not gonna go around feeling guilty forever. I've tried explaining but you haven't even taken me into any consideration. Now that i've done my part in this assignment, we don't have to talk to each other ever again." I shoved all my papers for the assignment towards Jughead and stormed out.

Jughead's POV

Veronica just stormed out of the school library. Should i have heard her out? Listen to her? Whatever, no. What her family did was horrible, i could never listen to her... could i?

"Juggie! Hi, i didn't know you were here! What are you doing? Are you by yourself?" A gorgeous girl with a blonde pony tail with her preppy outfit.

"Betts. Hi. Yeah i was here with, uh, Veronica. We were working on the English assignment but she just left because she had to go to see her parents." I tried to sound convincing because i didn't want Betty to worry about Veronica's and mine relationship.

"Okay no worries. I've got to go catch up with Kev but i'll see you soon?" Betty said before leaving and giving me a quick peck on the lips.

I was thinking about what happened with Veronica and how i may have overreacted. I don't think i did. i mean she has to understand why hate her and her family. everyone does.

Veronica's POV

I can't believe Jughead did that. I've said i was sorry a million times. i really do care for the serpents, i think it's because how close they are with each other and how much they love and care for each other, they really are family. i mean i don't have any of that.   my parents only use me for money. i hate my parents for what they have done - especially my father - i just want them out of my life.

Out the conner of my eye i see someone come over to me at my locker, "Veronica. Are you okay? You look kind of angry, or somewhat upset." A red headed, broad shouldered man walked in looking sympathetic.

"Yeah arch i'm okay. Just some personal stuff that i don't really want to talks about."

"Okay, no worries Ronnie, let me know if you want to talk. I'm always here for you." the red head says as he walked away.

"Thanks Arch. At least someone cares." I say under my breath.

Betty's POV

I'd finished catching up with Kev and decided to go back to the library to see if Jug was there. Sure enough... he wasn't. I went to find Veronica to ask how the assignment was coming along. School had just finished so i was sure she would either be at Pop's or at her house, so first stop was Pops.
"V, hey. How are you?"

"Hey B, i'm okay. How are you?"

"Good thanks. Now tell me, how's your english assignment going along?"

I heard her sigh. "Yeah good. I mean i've finished my part so the rest is up to Jughead. How about you?"

"Yeah we're nearly finished too! Hey V. Have you told Jughead about your father and what really happened?" I said trying to put on a smile.

"Uh, no. Why do you ask?"

"Oh i was just wondering. I was just thinking about that time you told me. I also wanted to check in and ask if you were still okay. Are you?"

"Uh, yeah, um, i'm fine, i guess. I mean been 2 years B, i'm okay, i mean it's emotionally scaring but i'll be fine. Anyway i've gotta go B, i'll see you around." She got up and left seeming sad and shaken. Was she still being hit?

Jughead's POV

I don't know why but i couldn't get her out of my head and what she wanted to tell me. I should have just let her talk. Wait. Why am i suddenly caring for her? Suddenly Betty came storming through my trailer door.

"Jug, we need to talk. It important."

"Betts, what's up? Is everything okay? Are you okay? Are you in trouble?"

"Jughead, just stop... It's about Veronica and what really happened with the southside. So please listen." Betty was worried, and scared.

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