Hospital Part 1

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Everyone outside stopped, and looked at the house. Not knowing what just happened.

Jughead's POV
Without any hesitation, Hiram ran.

"STOP HIM." i yelled.
Looking down at Veronica, weak.
"It's okay, you're gonna be okay..SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE, NOW." I didn't want to get emotional, not now anyway.

Cheryl and Toni rush in... "We heard the gun shot, the police got Hiram... what happe-" Toni started.

"VERONICA." They both ran over, starting to cry.

"Stay with me, don't close your eyes. stay with me. it's okay, you're going to be alright."

"Ju-Jug.." Veronica struggled to say.

"yeah i'm here what's wrong"

"don't worry about me.. leave, get out of here, before Ni-Nick comes back."

"no we're not leaving." i said back. after saying that the ambulance pulled up, came in and took her away. Toni, Cheryl, Sweet Pea, Fangs and I followed behind, the police followed us.


It's around 8 am, we're supposed to be at school.

1 minute later


1 minutes later

Betty- Hey Jug, where are you classes are about to start.
Jughead- I-I'm not coming today sorry.
Betty- Are you okay?
Jughead- I'm okay but Veronica isn't.
Betty- What? What's happened?
Jughead- As if you care. You tore her apart, as if you really care.
Betty- I-I do bu-but I had to-
Jughead- I've gotta go, see you later Betty
Betty- Oh-okay. Bye

"You guys go home, have a sleep, refresh and can come back later, i'll call you if anything happens, no point all of us being here." i said to the guys.

"you shouldn't be alone, i'll stay with you." cheryl said. "you guys go."

"you sure?" sweet pea asked

"yeah. promise" i replied.
Just as the guys were walking out the tv caught everyone's eyes.

TV Reporter- "Breaking news this morning. in the early hours of today, Hiram Lodge was arrested for the kidnapping and abuse of his own daughter Veronica Lodge. Miss Lodge suffered sever injuries including shot wounds as well as many bruises and is now in the Riverdale Hospital and is in a critical condition. Mr Lodge will undergo trial next week. We will update you on this case in later news."

"Omg. news really does travel fast." cheryl said. everyone smirked and left.

A doctor came out from behind the counter, "Someone for Veronica Lodge."
I jumped up quickly and so did Cheryl.

"Im afraid to tell you Miss Lodge is in a very bad way. Not only from the shot wound, but due to the injuries caused before, getting shot has made it worse. We're going to keep a very good and close eye on her but there aren't any promises she will make a full recovery but we will try anything within our will."

"Is there anything we can do.. can we go see her?" I asked

"You can, but not right now.... I will come and get you as soon as she's stable enough." The doctor replied. Cheryl and I sat down.


"Jughead?" I looked to my right and saw Betty walk through the door.

"Betty. what are you doing here?"

"well i heard the news about Veronica..."

"well we can't go see her... why do you even care? it's not like you've spoken to veronica in ages, you completely forgot her."

"well, what happene-"

"save it betty i really don't care."

"please let me explain... I-I was confronted by Hiram Lodge."


"He came up to me and told me to cut all ties with Veronica and to never see her again. he wanted me to sell it to her so she would hate me forever, and so she wouldn't ask questions. If i didn't do this, he said that he, that we would have her be hurt... he would do something to her... he lied. he hurt her anyway. if i had just told her-"

"Betty this isn't your fault... Hiram did this, not you. Even though you should have told her, he did this and it was his fault."

"i don't know if i can get past what i've don- what i've  initiated."

"stop thinking like this betty. it wasn't your fault. you were trying to protect Veronica, you thought you were protecting her. you did... for a while. please, this isn't your fault."

"thank you jug.. i guess you're right"

Before i could say anything else.. the doctor came out.
"Jughead Jones for Veronica Lodge?"

"yes?" i said walking over to the doctor.

"sorry to let you know this... Veronica's taken a fall. her heart rate is getting lower. it's looking as though she might go into a coma.. we're about to run some more tests, but i'm very sorry. i think you should start to prepare for the worst."

"wa-wait. so you're saying... she may not wake up?"

"it's starting to look that way. after we do some more tests, i'll come straight back to you with the results... i'm very sorry."

"oh, okay. thank you..."

"i can't believe it... she- she can't die." cheryl said.
Betty looked destroyed in some way. she looked as though she could just scream...

3 Hours Later.

TV Presenter- "Sorry for the interruption ladies and gentlemen but we have breaking news this evening."

everyone in the hospital stopped and looked up at the tv... i could hardly process a word the lady was saying, i was too worried about ronnie.

Tv Presenter- "Hiram Lodge, who was charged with the assault on his daughter Veronica Lodge, has escaped from local police station in Riverdale. It's suspected that Lodge had some help to escape by a fellow police office, but is yet to discovered who. if you have any information on the where abouts of Hiram lodge or have seen him, please contact the number on your screen. Have a good evening and will see you soon. Back to your program."

"Oh My God. Hiram Lodge has escaped? No ones safe now...". Cheryl said.

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