Hospital Part 3

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Cheryl's POV
Jughead is pacing up and down the hallway.. he's nervous, we all are. Ronnie and him have formed a special connection and he was really starting to like her... then this happened.
Toni misses her like crazy. i know we have each other but Ronnie was the person she could go to for advice on particular things and now doesn't have that... it's been hard on everyone.
Betty can't help but think she is responsible, she isn't. This isn't anyone's fault, other than hiram and nick st claire.
It's finally 2pm and the doctors will turn off her life support.. it's now or never.

Jughead watched intensely with toni right beside him.. me holding her hand and sweet pea and fangs beside me with their arms over each other's shoulders. Betty has her hands covering her nose and mouth, she's already crying.. don't blame her, i am too.

Come on ronnie.. you can do this... push through.

Jughead's POV
They've switched the machine off. I watch the machine that monitors the heart rate.
Steady.. Steady... Steady.
It's so far so good.
They're standing there, the doctors are standing there until they can positively say she can breath by herself.
It's been a minute.. nothing's happened. it's positive. she's breathing. she's breathing by herself.

"she's doing it!" cheryl said.

"yeah... she is." i say.
everyone's smiling and happy. the doctor looks at me and smiles. she walks out and comes over to us.
"she did it."

"so she's going to be okay?" i ask

"so far, so good. we're going to keep her in her for a while and monitor her 24/7 as she is still critical but she is progressing."

i put my hand out and the doctor shakes it. "thank you doc, really appreciate it."

"it's my job! but your welcome." he said walking off.

Betty, Cheryl, Toni, Sweet Pea, Fangs and I go into the room and surround Veronica. we sit/ stand in silence for a while, before toni breaks the silence,

"i knew she could do it. i'm so happy she will be okay."

"so am i TT." cheryl says

"i think we all are." betty says.
Betty grabs Veronica's hand and whispers something into her ear.. no one hears her.

Betty's POV

I needed to say something to veronica. even though she can't hear me, i need to get it off my chest.
I grab her hand and whisper into her ear,
"Veronica. I am so sorry. For everything. when you wake up i will explain everything. i love you and hope you can forgive me. please wake up soon."

As i step away, i look at Jug and smile and say
"i have to go guys, my mum needs me to help with some writing, but please let me know if anything changes."

"thanks for coming betts! see you soon" jug says as i leave. everyone else says bye.

i walk to my mum and i know now that Jug and I broke up and that we wont be together but a part of me will love him for ever and a part will always miss him, but i know it's for the best.. i also know that jug likes veronica.. the way he looks at her and their chemistry.. the way he has been caring for her since the incident.
i think they'd be cute together. i'm for it. i'll be there for both of them for ever. i love V so much a i'll love Jug, as a friend, forever too.

Jughead's POV
No more change. Veronica is the same... Sweet Pea, Fangs and Cheryl left to sort some things out at the worm while toni and i stayed back to watch out for her.

"I hope she wakes up soon Toni.. i don't know what i'd do if she didn't."

"she will... i know she will."

"i really hope so."

"you really like her don't you?"

"sorry?" i ask startled

"you really like veronica. you have thing for her don't you? i noticed it. at the wyrm before..."

"i do not. i just care for her a lot. she's a really good friend. we've got to know each other more and i have a lot more respect for her. nothing else"

"sure... keep telling yourself that jones. one day, you're not gonna admit it and then she's gonna find someone and then you're gonna get angry and all jealous and you're gonna have to sit back and watch her relationship with someone else blossom while you're all alone... alone."

"okay god. alright. i go like her. i've started to like her. she's just so nice. she's beautiful. ronnie's one of a kind. intelligent, caring, gorgeous... everything about her is amazing. please. don't tell anyone, not yet anyway, i just want to wait until she wakes up alight."

"you're in love jones... but sure, i'll keep my mouth shut, for now."

"i'm not in love toni.. i just like her.... thank you"

"haha sure things jones.. whatever you say." toni winks and sits back in the chair.


"Jughead.. Toni?" the doctor yells out.
We jump up and the doctor comes to us.

"is everything okay? what's happened?" i asked.

"she's... amazing. she's awake actually."

Toni and i look at eachother, astonished. this early she's awake? she's a fighter ronnie.

"can we see her?" toni asked

"of course, don't overwhelm her though, it won't be too good for her."

"sure think doc, thank you." i say.
We walk off and into the room.
Toni walks in first, for some reason, i'm scared. i shouldn't be.
i walk in and see her lying there. all little and has many cords coming out of her attaching her to many machines...
she looks pale, tired, weak. but ronnie, she's strong and she can fight. i mean early this morning she was on life support and now she's lying there, fluttering her eyes, signifying she's awake.. i can't believe it.

"Hey Jug.. How are you?" Veronica's first words ask.

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