Week 2

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Monday - Birmingham Date Night!
"Brad. You look beautiful. You don't need to play with your hair anymore." I chuckled, sitting on the end of his bed. He was trying to fix his hair in the mirror, shirtless, so that we could go on our date. We were gonna be seeing the new Johnny English movie.
"You're impatient." Brad laughed.
"No, I'm practical. I don't wanna be late." I corrected.
"We won't be late, babe. We got like... An hour yet to get there and it's like... a 15 minute walk." Brad assured me, before turning around to look at me.
"I just wanna look good for you, darling." He said, adorably, before leaning down and kissing my forehead.
"Brad, it's impossible for you not to look good. You should really know that by now." I promised him, gently slapping his flat belly.
"Good isn't good enough for you. You deserve the best." Brad flirted.
"You are the best." I insisted.
"Well, the best still needs your opinion. What shirt?" He asked before going over to the wardrobe.
"I think you look fine as you are." I smirked, checking out his shirtless body.
"Ahaha how many times have you made that comment?" Brad laughed.
"I'll make it again if you want?" I said, shamelessly.
"Which one?" Brad pulled out his pale pink jumper and his black turtle neck.
"The pink one." I answered. "Your neck is too sexy to hide." I added.
"Someone's in a flirtatious mood today, aren't they?" Brad said, raising his eyebrows, amused.
"It's hard not to be when you're strutting around all shirtless and sexy." I defended.
"Awwwwh... Let me help you out, then." Brad said before pulling the pink jumper over his head. "Better?"
"Yeah, now you're cute and adorable instead." I beamed. "Wait, if we're going to the cinema, surely you should be in a suit?" I teased.
"Ooooh, you did not!" Brad giggled before leaning over and kissing me. Our lips danced together for a bit. "I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record but... Fuck, I missed this." Brad whispered, gently cupping my cheek.
"I did too. It's the little things." I said, quietly, looking into his caring, brown eyes.

We both were walking to the main part of town, heading for the cinema. My hand was in his and he made sure I was on the side away from the road, like the cutest thing ever.
"So you looking forward to your birthday?" Brad asked.
"Yeah, but mainly because you and the boys will be there. Like, I'm less excited about becoming 19, so much as just being with all of you guys again." I admitted.
"Awwwh. Does it freak you out you could move out? Like, legally? I mean, I know you've been able to for a year now, but... Still...?"
"Umm... It doesn't freak me out. It actually makes me excited." I half laughed.
"Yeah, I understand that. Well... Maybe when you're done with college we could... Y'know?" Brad began.
"Are you suggesting we move in together?!" I exclaimed.
"Ahhhh! Absolutely! Yes, yes, 100x yes!" I squealed.
"That's a lotta yeses." Brad chuckled. "I mean, it'll be a while till it happens but... I think it would be great to have our own space. No parents, no Swindon, no distractions... Just you and me." Brad explained.
"Stop it, otherwise I'm gonna scream." I beamed.
"Ahaha, I didn't mean to excite you too much. I just... The thought got me excited too." Brad smiled. I had the biggest grin as my brain went through a million thoughts.
"Where would you wanna go?" I asked, curiously.
"Oh, um... Well I thought we shouldn't go too far. Y'know from family." Brad suggested.
"So long as I'm away from Swindon, I don't care." I smiled.
"Oh, we will, don't worry. I was thinking of somewhere slap bang in between our two families." Brad told me.
"That sounds like a good idea. How long have you been thinking about this?" I asked, intrigued.
"Maybe... Since you got on that plane to go back home." Brad admitted.
"Awwwwh, you're so cute." I beamed. "I have thought about us living together, but... I dunno.. Not thoroughly."
"Well there's this place called Shipston on Stour and apparently it's one of the best places to live in England. And it's literally an hour from mine and an hour from yours." Brad continued.
"Well that does sound perfect. I've never heard of that place before."
"It's not that extravagant. But it's got a good night life while at the same time being a very pretty area." Brad described.
"That sounds great, Brad. Honestly, just the idea of sharing a space with you feels so exciting to me." I beamed.
"Same for me, babe." Brad said. "You can be in charge of decorating."
"Oooooooooooh, you don't know what monster you've just released!" I smirked.

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