Week 3

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Wednesday - Filming the Ceremony
I woke up this morning next to Brad. Not a lot had happened since my birthday weekend ended other than Brad and I chilling out. It was really nice to be spending so much time with him, it really felt like we were making up from lost time from when he was in America. However, today I had to wake up at stupid o'clock to go to college.
"Fuck meee..." I groaned, not wanting to get up. However, Brad soon dragged me out of bed and we soon got dressed. It wasn't long before I was in the car with him. We headed off and we soon arrived at college, when I suddenly remembered something.
"Oh shit..." I muttered.
"What?" Brad asked, turning the music's volume down.
"Awwwrrrghhhh shit..." I groaned.
"What?" Brad repeated, laughing.
"I... I completely forgot. I need to film some shit today." I sighed.
"Okay, that doesn't sound too bad." Brad shrugged.
"No, it's like... A fucking graduation ceremony. It's for work experience." I said.
"Oh... Sounds... Boring." Brad admitted. I looked over at him with my sad eyes.
"Oh, you're so evil." Brad groaned.
"Pleeeease?" I whined.
"Am I even allowed?" Brad asked.
"Sure, why not? C'mon, I won't survive without you." I begged.
"Fine. You owe me so much." Brad sighed, turning the engine off.
"I looooooove yoooooouuuu!" I beamed.
"Mmmhmmm..." Brad chuckled before leaning in and kissing me. "You're lucky I love you, too." He said before pecking my lips again.
"I know I am." I smiled.

We got out the car and came into college, sneaking past the man who was asking for student ID's. We came up to the classroom where Pete was. I would be doing the work experience with Dean and Kian, which felt like I could've been a disaster.
"Hi, Pete. Is it okay if Brad comes with us? He'll just be helping out a bit." I asked.
"Oh, um, yes, that's fine." Pete nodded.
"You may as well become a student at this point." Rebecca scoffed.
"I'm good." Brad said, amused.
"Wait, you're helping us?' Dean asked, sounding more relieved.
"Help is a strong word. Mainly gonna keep James company for this graduation ceremony." Brad shrugged.
"Yeah, but you've had experience with this stuff before, right?" Kian asked.
"What have you dragged me into?" Brad asked me.
"Guys, calm down. He wasn't even planning on coming in until I remembered what we were doing, like, 5 minutes ago." I told them.
"I have some knowledge of cameras and filming though, so I'm sure I can help a little." Brad signed, seeing Dean worried look.

We did some work before we had to leave with our cameras and tripods. We headed for the Steam Museum, which was where the graduation ceremony was happening. We were stopping at the outlet centre beforehand though, which was a bit like a shit American mall, to get some lunch. We all lined up in different places for our food.
"Well, I didn't think I'd be doing this today." Brad scoffed as we waited for my sausage roll.
"If you really don't want to do this, you don't have to, Brad." I promised him.
"It's okay, darling. It's an excuse to spend more time with you, at the end of the day." Brad smiled, putting an arm around my waist.
"I really appreciate it. Because this would be hell, otherwise, honestly." I half laughed.
"Awwh, baby. I'm happy to come to the rescue." Brad smiled before giving me a kiss.
"My hero." I smiled, making him giggle at the cheesiness. We picked up my sausage roll and Brad got a pastie, before we sat at the table with Dean and Kian.
"Enjoy your birthday then?" Dean asked.
"Oh, yes. Best birthday ever." I smiled, looking over at my Bradley-Bear.
"Has he told you?" Brad asked with a smirk.
"What?" Dean frowned.
"Oh, shit, I did forget... I'm meeting Tom Holland." I said with the biggest smirk.
"What?!" Dean gasped.
"My birthday present to him." Brad smiled.
"So Brad got me a signed poster off Tom that said 'we have to meet up.' Then Brad told me I'd actually be meeting him in November." I said smug as fuck.
"Why the fuck did you do that?" Dean asked Brad. "You may as well order an open casket for your relationship." He scoffed.
"I'm not gonna choose Tom over Brad. Brad will always be my Bradley-Bear. Nothing could replace my Brad." I rolled my eyes.
"Uh huh, sure." Kian said, unconvinced.
"I trust James with my life. I know he wouldn't just throw me away for another dude. We're in it for the end game." Brad smiled before giving me a kiss.
"Absolutely, Brad. Besides, you'd look hotter in a Spider-Man suit." I smirked.
"Noted." He smirked back.
"Alright, lads." Dean rolled his eyes.

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