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Trigger warnings at the end of the chapter 


Cal absently nibbles on a piece of toast he has for breakfast. It's gone cold and stale and the eggs his dad made for him lay untouched on his plate, not a single bite taken. His father, a tall, dark-haired man named Harris, is reading an article on his phone between sips of steaming hot coffee. He hasn't acknowledged Cal's presence when he entered the kitchen ten minutes prior and it makes Cal feel terribly unwanted; he hates it when his dad ignores him. 

He's been doing that a lot lately. 

Cal hasn't done anything wrong to warrant this behavior, or, at least he doesn't think so.

He knows he's been obedient.

Calvin pouts, huffs in an exaggerated way, and pushes his unfinished food away. He's not hungry. Never was. He contemplates whining, but he's not a kid anymore. His father would probably smack him over the head for that. So instead he slides a socked foot against his dad's calf and moves it up his knee, surveying his reaction. There is none. Cal bites his lower lip, tries not to let his disappointment show. He can't give up. Harris takes another gulp of coffee, his face as stoic as ever.

He pushes his foot against his dad's thigh and, after a moment's hesitance, presses it on his crotch. His dad pauses drinking halfway. Feeling bolder, Cal begins moving his foot it up and down, massaging his clothed cock using the soles of his foot and the wriggle of his toes. Harris finally looks up and Cal gives him a small, bashful smile.

Just as Cal feels the familiar hardness of his daddy's cock, a hand grabs his foot and pushes it away. Cal frowns, offended. (Hurt.) "Daddy," he whines. He knows his dad doesn't like it when he whines but he can't help it. Daddy hasn't touched him in forever (2 weeks) and Cal is feeling angsty. (Restless. Scared. Did he do something wrong?)

"What is it that you want, Cal?" his father demands. Cal shrinks to himself instinctively. He doesn't want to anger his dad but he needs to talk to him, needs to know what's going on. And despite his rising fear, the authority in his dad's voice makes something stir inside him. His cock twitches, already at half-mast, but this is normal; his body reacts to even the slightest touch his daddy gives him.

"Daddy," he says again, but this time in a soft, low murmur. He wants to ask him why he's stopped touching (fucking) him but what comes out is, "I don't wanna go to school."

Which is not a lie – he's been wanting to breach this subject ever since he's started attending high school. Might as well get it out there before asking the real questions. He's asked before but his dad merely dismissed it. Maybe it'll be different this time.

Daddy sighs, evidently frustrated. Cal swallows the growing lump in his throat. The bags under daddy's eyes are more prominent than usual. Has work been tough? Maybe that's the reason why his dad won't touch him. Has Cal been selfish all this time, blind to all the signs of exhaustion his dad is clearly showing?

"We've already had this conversation, son. You need to go to school."

"But I don't want to!" Cal says with emotion. "My classmates bully me! They don't leave me alone even if I ask them nicely, and when I tell my teachers they don't care!"

"Why do they bully you, Cal?"

Cal lowers his eyes and looks at his plate, a hint of pink coloring his cheeks. The word pussy-boy and sissy crosses his mind. "They say I look like a girl."

"You don't look like a girl." his dad says plainly, but Cal knows he's lying because Cal does look like a girl. He's fifteen and he still doesn't have body hair, his voice isn't deep like his male classmates and he's lean and small with baby fat still tenaciously clinging on his face.

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