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Inque walks down the street of Gotham's slums. The snowflakes touch her shoulders and glide down her brown raincoat. She wears a brown fedora as well to obscure anyone from spotting her face.

Worried about staying out in the elements too long she's in search of someplace she can take refuge in. Someplace she can start a fire and warm her body. To prevent from freezing solid of all things.

How many people have to worry about such a things.

"I can't get wet. Can't get too cold. Can't have too much heat. This is so stupid. If I could just turn back time. I would have never gone through that experimental procedure."

To her right she spots a condemned three level building. It still has all its windows and no walls contain holes. Well blacked out and most likely has some furniture.

"This is perfect for what I need." She whispers to herself as she makes way into the building.


Terry glides to his Bat Pod and lands upon it. Looking at it with distaste and hate.

"This is not a proper vehicle for Batman."

He thinks to himself as he looks at it. It's more suited for a teen. Or more appropriately... an amateur. Most of the work is done by computers. Done by a machine. Not accurate at all. The human element is taken out. He... Is taken out of the equation.

"This isn't right."

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