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Rain Storm

Inque looks out the window, gazing upon the building rainclouds.

"Looks like we're going to have a rainstorm this day."

The time is 9:35am. She had intentions of going out today and getting a change of clothes. Hopefully getting back to her hideout. To one of her safe houses. But with a rain storm building up right now, no way could she take a chance and get soaking wet.

"I've already been soaked and been torn apart by fluids. I'm not going through that again."

She turns around and walks over to the burning embers of the fire she was using before.

"I could really go for some food right about now."

Looking abound she inspects her environment a bit more closely. Having hopes that she could maybe find a landline or some form of communication with the outside world. Perhaps she could order up something, or get a mode of transportation to get her out of here.

"Come on, give me something." She mutters to herself while searching. But to no success. All she finds is a rusty old car, and bits of trash, and a dirty old briefcase containing a family of rats.

"Looks like I'm S.O.L. once again. Typical."

Inque walks slowly back to the dusty couch she was sleeping on last night. She can hear the first rain drops hit the ceiling glass roof. A soft sigh exits her lips as she folds her arms with her head down looking at her feet.

"If Batman finds me now, the fact is that he would have the upper hand with my current environment."

She closes her eyes as she sits in the middle of the couch and rests her elbows upon her knees. And covers her face with her hands.

A lonely sadness comes over her emotionally. She understands that in this moment right now, this is really her life. She has to live like this and suffer days and moments like this more often than anyone would actually take into consideration.

"I'm just a criminal on the run when it really comes down to it. That's all I am. Escaped from prison, and make deals with criminals to get paid for criminal work."

She lets out a soft condescending chuckle to herself as her mind comes to terms with her existence once again. All too often she thinks about how she got to this point. It was all an effort to get a better life for her little girl. A chance to have a better life. The American dream is what people call it.

"If only my mother and father could see me now. Yeah, they would really let me have it."

She sits up and tilts her head back, reaching out her arms and stretching herself releasing a soft yawn. Then gently and slowly she lies down on the couch and looks to the ceiling. Looking upon the rain drops hit the glass ceiling.


Terry places his palm upon the steel body of the Batmobile. The cold of the metal seeps through his leather Kevlar glove and reaches the skin of his fingertips.

"Are you sure I can take the car out?" He speaks in a deep and calm tone. Trying to sound as close to the original Batman voice as possible. With Bruce's guidance he was able to learn how to professionally change his voice. And how to sound like other people. Reaching an almost perfect and precise muscle control of his vocal cords. Controlling his chest and diaphragm.

"That depends, do you think it's time?"

Bruce says that with little to no hesitation. He was expecting Terry to ask him that. Always being a few moves ahead of anyone around him. It's within his nature at this point. It was part of his nature a very long time ago. And still is to this day.

Terry takes a moment and walks off to the Batman Beyond jet pod. Bruce narrows his eyes to read what Terry might be doing right now. He can't operate the pod wearing that suit. He would have to control it manually. Which is close to impossible. So what could he be doing right now?

"I need to grab my good luck charm from the pod. Don't worry, I'm not trying to drive the damn thing."

Terry speaks in a joking tone. Knowing that for once he must surprised Bruce."

Tonight. For the first time in a long time. A very long time. The real Batman... Is about to come out of the cave. And into the rainstorm. And into the Moon Light.

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