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Terry stands upon the Gotham city bridge, glancing around the streets as he ponders to himself.

"Bruce use to glide around these streets and skies like a giant bat. Instilling fear into everyone who saw him. The mere mention of his name would shoot shivers down criminals spines."

Looking upon his hands he clenches his fists and punches the ground with his right fist.

"And me... People mention Batman now... They automatically just think that it's a younger, untested replacement. A shadow of what Batman really use to be. A poor man's copy. A replica. Even worse than a rip off."

He stands up and spreads his wings, having the desire to do what Bruce use to do every night. Glide around the city and make himself known to the people. That he is out there. That he is always watching.

But to his own curiosity, he takes a moment to think. And calculate, why is he feeling this way? Why now of all times? He use to be alright with just wearing the suit and allowing himself to just do the job like...

He stops himself from finishing that thought. Because it's not right. He was going to think that Bruce use to do the job like that. But he's not Bruce. Not even close. No...

"I'm going to have to make some... changes."

At first Terry was going to allow his rocket boots to blast off and take him into the skies. But he remembers, the real Batman didn't have rocket boots. The real Batman relies on stealth. On darkness and shadows. Having faith in his own skills that he had mastered and honed throughout the years. Developing himself into some sort of creature of the shadows. A mere figure in the darkness. Something that if you would catch a glimpse of, you wouldn't be entirely sure whether or not what you had scene was actually real or not.

"If I want to be The Batman, and not Some sort of batman. Then I need to start acting like him. And quit pretending. I'll have to take this path that I have chosen. I'm going to have to finally go full in. Because this suit... This vision of me. This version of Batman... Just... isn't... Batman."

He takes off the mask and holds it before him. Glancing into the eyes of the mask. The eyes of this version of the dark protector.

"A teenage boy wearing a suit that an old man developed just because he couldn't do everything that was required of him. Bruce created this suit just because he was starting to slow down. He was letting the suit do most of the work. That's what he said. That's what he told me all those years ago."

The urge and desire to throw the mask away begins to flow over him. A strong hate for this suit begins to rise as his body tenses up. He grunts as his eyes squint a tiny bit glaring at the cowl.

"Not Batman... More like Bat-FAKE. Pretending. Toying around... Impostor."

Slowly he puts the mask back on as he walks to the edge, he takes position and dives into the air below his feet. Spreading his wings as he begins to glide.

All that he said, all his actions just now. He was running under the assumption that Bruce couldn't hear him just because he turned off the communications link. However, even now Terry is showing just how much of a none Batman he is.

All because Bruce has counter measures for anyone trying to cut him off from communications. From any link through the world. But one of most, the link the very suit he created.

Bruce looks upon the screen. Observing the feed coming in from the camera of the mask Terry is wearing.

Those words he spoke. All that he said, all that he did. Those actions.

Batman Beyond Inque's LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora