
22 1 0

april 3rd, 2018


tyler (2:10pm)
Hey Joshua guess what

me (2:11pm)
what?? if u say some stupid joke ill fight u

tyler (2:13pm)
The opposite actually. I'm going to take you out later after work :) I'm on break rn

me (2:13pm)
take me out?? where
i kind of dont have money though so i dont think ill even be able to go im sorry

tyler (2:14pm)
Joshie sweetie honey, please. I basically told you we're going to go on a date
I pay for everything and you won't have to spend a thing, don't worry

me (2:18pm)
wait. for real? a date?? what the heck
i didnt think you liked me that way

josh is furiously blushing. since when did tyler have feelings for him? not that he was complaining since, you know, he had a huge crush on the man, but still. it was kind of weird, in a good way though.

tyler (2:19pm)
Yes! I'm going to take you out to sushi since I know you love it so much

he's avoiding the question. or is he?

me (2:19pm)
you didnt answer my question

tyler (2:23pm)
If that's okay with you then yeah

me (2:24pm)
im more than okay with that.

tyler (2:24pm)
I have to go back to work soon but I wish we could facetime
Because y'know you're adorable when you blush and I know you are right now aren't you

josh smiles and rolls his eyes. he is blushing.

me (2:25pm)
shut up im not blushing

me (2:26pm)
ok maybe i am but im definitely not adorable

tyler (2:26pm)
You are the cutest person I've ever seen in my entire 23 years of life Joshua Dun. Don't say that

he giggles and hides his face out of habit.

me (2:27pm)
youre too nice. thank you

tyler (2:28pm)
I'm only telling the truth
I have to go back now I'm sorry, I'll see you soon
Be ready by 5:30 ❤️

me (2:30pm)
ur the best. idk what to wear but ur the best
see ya

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