PART 11:

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'What the hell are you playing at?' I shrieked as I kicked and screamed being pulled in to the van. 'This is against my human rights! Let me GO!' I shrieked. I could no longer see the rest of the girls, they'd turned the corner and fled down the road.

'LOUISA! SARAH! NIKKI! PRIYAAA!' I screamed, grabbing the edge of the door with my free hand that wasn't clutching my books. I felt another pair of hands grabbing at my waist, and another grabbing my thighs, turning me almost horizontal as I gripped the door screaming. Now there was a set of arms wrapped around my waist and two sets of hands grabbing me, pulling me backwards in to the van.

'Hannah come on let go, and stop shrieking or we're going to be arrested. Now let go so we can grab the others and get out of here!'

I'd been ready for anything, any interview, any questions thrown at me. What I hadn't been ready for was for Jay's voice in my ear telling me to let go.

'Jay!' I squeaked, letting go of the door. We flew backwards, the pulling force on me suddenly greater than the force I was putting in the opposite direction now I'd let go of the door. We flew backwards, hitting the far wall and landing in a heap.

'Hannah. Umm not to be rude or anything. But could you errmm, maybe get off of us?' The voice of Nathan asked from below me somewhere.

'Ye Hannah you're squishing us.' Came the voice of Tom, sounding very muffled, presumably he was squashed against the wall somehow. Jay laughed, his laugh sounding very close to my ear. I guessed the person I was practically sitting on was Jay. He grabbed me around the waist with one arm and pushed off the wall with the other, lifting me up and away from the others. He moved us across to the other wall, and flopped down on the floor and wrapped his other arm around me too.

Jayne turned round from the driver's part of the van as it screeched off.

'Which way Hannah?' she asked.

'Umm right at the end of the road and you'll probably see them running up the hill.' I laughed, pointing the direction we needed to go.

'Ok, you're the boss.' Jayne grinned at me. I grinned back before twisting in Jay's arms so I was facing him, cross legged on his crossed legs. He grinned lop-sided at me as I pouted at him.

'You utter mug.' I said, folding my arms across my chest and pouted at him. 'You couldn't have told me it was you at all could you. You just grab me and attempt to pull me in to your van?' Jay nodded.

'Well, I was just expecting to be able to grab you and pull you in with no trouble at all. Considering I'm a lot bigger than you.' Jay grinned.

'Yes well, I'm not your average girl, I go to army cadets remember?' I replied, grinning back.

'I know and I love you.' Jay grinned, pushing his face close to mine for a quick kiss.

'Jay, get a room you idiot.' Max yelled across the van throwing my history text book at his head.

Suddenly the van screeched to a halt again. We flew backwards, all of us crumpling on one wall. I jumped up, throwing open the doors. The girls span round and looked at me.

'Hannah!' They shrieked running towards me.

'Get in!' I yelled standing back to let them all jump in. They leaped in after me and I slammed the doors. Jayne turned to me.

'Where to Hannah?'

'Why you asking me?' I grinned. 'You're the boss.'

'Haha that's true.' Jayne laughed. 'I take it that's pick up your mother and head for the TW flat and lie low for a couple of hours?'

'Ye that sounds great.' I smiled, carefully making my way over to Jay, picking my way through the others, spread across the floor in each other's arms. Jay grinned at me, opening his arms and patting a space between his legs for me.

I threw my blazer across the van to join the pile of bags and books stacked against the far wall and flopped down with Jay on the floor. He wrapped his arms tight around me and whispered in my ear,

'The journey's about an hour and a half now. Including picking up your mother.' I nodded as Jay nuzzled my ear with his lips and kissed the spot under my ear lobe. I giggled and turned sideways slightly to kiss him on the corner of his mouth. Then I snuggled down in his arms that wrapped tighter around me, drawing me in to a tighter hug. I looked around briefly at my friends; every one of them snuggled together on the floor. I grinned at Jay before settling down to sleep. He pulled his hoodie off over his head to wrap over me as I cuddled up against him in his Converse t-shirt. He grinned back and kissed the top of my head as the van fell silent except for the steady breathing of everyone as they fell asleep one by one.

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