PART 25:

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Jay grabbed me, pushing me behind him to protect me from them. Tom and Max backed off a little, raising their hands in the universal symbol for surrender. Jay looked over his shoulder at me looking around the side of his body, his face twisted in a bit of confusion and I shrugged at him. He turned back and faced Tom and Max, relaxing is defensive stance.

'Jay mate.' Tom spoke up, dropping his hands and stepping towards us slightly. Jay instinctively backed up a little, pushing me gently with him. Tom stopped again, now he was in the middle of the room and I was backed against a wall with Jay standing in front of me.

'Jay mate. I'm…' Tom continued, before looking around at the rest of the group behind him. 'I mean we, are really sorry. The only reason Max and I got involved in the first place was because you and Nathan got involved on Hannah and Sarah's side. I never meant for it to go as far as it has done and neither did Max, it was a total accident. And we're both completely sorry.' Tom finished. Max nodded stepping forwards and stretching out his hand to Jay. Jay stepped forward and they met in the middle, they gripped hands briefly before letting go and stepping away from each other. Tom reached his hand to Jay and Jay gripped Tom's briefly too. They all stepped away from each other and looked at each other. Me, Sarah, Nikki and Louisa all stood there with looks of shock on our faces when the next thing we saw was all four boys hugging and...crying?

All four boys were standing in the middle of the room, hugging each other hard and there were tears streaking down each and every one of their cheeks. I looked at Sarah, my look of confusion mirrored on her face. None of us knew what to do; we were all frozen on the spot. It was only when Jay and Nathan opened their arms out to allow us to join the hug, did we move across the room and join the hug. Jay kissed me on my stitches and leaned his cheek against the top of my head. He whispered so that only I could hear,

'It's all over now babe. You're safe.' I felt his tears from his cheek soaking in to my hair and I wrapped an arm round his waist, clutching his top with my hand, my whole body shaking from the tears of relief that streamed out of my eyes.

A moment later, Jay had been pushed away from me and two new sets of arms were wrapped tightly around me, holding me while I cried. The soft Bolton accent from one whispering that everything would be ok now made me realise one person was clearly Tom and I guessed the other was Max. I hugged them both back tightly and pressed my face between them, shaking from relief that this was all over now. A gentle throat clearing from the doorway made us all break apart and look around. Jayne was standing in the doorway, a soft smile hinting on her lips. She looked around the room at all of us, holding on to each other and crying.

'Well, you know what this means then don't you? If you've all made up?' She asked. Tom, Max, Louisa and Nikki looked around, confused as me and Sarah let out shrieks. Jay jumped across the room, picking me up in his arms and whirling me in a circle before placing me down on the floor and kissing me hard on the mouth.

'The Wanted Tour! Here we come!' He yelled, and Nathan echoed across the room. A grin played out across my face and Jay's half grin matched mine. Maybe dreams do come true? I started to think. I would not know how true that statement was...

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