PART 28:

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A loud throat clearing behind us made us break apart and look around. Nathan and Tom were standing behind us coughing frantically. We leapt apart just in time for the door behind us to open. The teachers walked out.

'Girls' Mr Paddock said 'Why are you still out here? Shouldn't you be in lessons now?' We all nodded.

'They were just saying bye to the boys.' Jayne jumped in.

'But aren't you seeing them later?' He added on the end of Jayne's statement.

'Yep they are.' Jayne nodded, 'but they're young, and in love so give them a bit of slack?' Mr Paddock grinned at her and nodded.

'Do you want to escort the girls to their lesson? Double PE with Mr Christo and Mr Livings, right girls?' We grinned at each other and nodded. Jay held his arm out to me,

'My Lady?' He asked in a terrible cockney accent, deserving him a whack on the arm. He frowned at me, pouting at the whack on his arm. I pouted back at him earning a jab in the ribs. I giggled and took his arm. We followed Mr Paddock down the stairs and towards the fitness suite, preparing for the storm when the door opened.

I opened the door and barely had time to glance inside before I heard some shrieks. Melissa, Yvonne, Ellie and some others had clearly been waiting for us to enter the room until bombarding us all with hugs and questions. Jay laughed and gently pulled me backwards.

'Give them some space to breathe guys.' He said. They stepped back, allowing us space to breathe for a minute. He turned me around, towards him, and pulled me in to a tight hug.

'We'll be at the front gate for you at half past 2 babe.' He whispered in my ear before releasing me a little to lean down and place a sweet and gentle kiss on my lips. I leaned in towards him, deepening the kiss slightly and he pulled me in tighter to him, deepening it even more. The sudden loss of his body next to mine made me stumble forwards, as my whole body weight had been leaning against him. I whimpered slightly and opened my eyes; Jay was being dragged away by a laughing Tom and Max.

'See you later baby, I promise!' Jay called out to me as classroom doors opened and heads peeked round doors. 'I LOVE YOU!' He yelled as they dragged him outside. I turned around to a room of shocked faces.

'Oh. My. GOD!' Becca exclaimed loudly. 'YOU'RE BACK!' She yelled running and hugging all of us at once. Mr Christo cleared his throat and we all stepped apart from each other.

'At least make it look as though you're working.' He grinned at us, 'and Hannah, no making out in my PE lesson.' He added, winking at me. I grinned back and blushed. Kev and two other bodyguards stood themselves by the door, arms folded across their chests, grinning but looking serious at the same time. Melissa, Becca, Yvonne and Ellie dragged us across the room to one corner to join Ashley and some others.

'Hannah, Louisa, Sarah, Nikki, Priya, spill...' They said, sitting down on weight machines and the floor.

'Hang on, why are you not doing PE first?' Ashley asked.

'Oh that.' I said, 'well Jay doesn't want me getting hurt because it's me. And if I do too much exercise I might get dizzy, fall and split my stitches.' I added, pulling my fringe off my forehead and showing them the stitches. They winced and Ellie grimaced.

'What happened?' Melissa asked.

'Long story.' Sarah said, 'but anyway. Because Jay doesn't want Hannah doing PE Nathan decided he doesn't want me doing PE etc. Etc.' I looked up and over at Kev, he smiled at me and jerked his head.

'Excuse me.' I said, standing up and walking over to Kev, earning looks from the class as I crossed the fitness suite on my own clothes once again.

'You know.' He said, uncrossing his arms and sticking his hands in his pockets. 'I've worked with The Wanted since, pretty much the start. And the boys have met loads of fans. I mean at all their mini concerts and signings and stuff. But never, had I seen their faces look like that when you walked in that room the other afternoon. They all just looked across at each other, and I saw their faces light up. They can't stop going on about you all, Jay hasn't stopped going on about how beautiful you are and how much he loves you and just everything.' Kev said, smiling at me.

'He must really love you, a lot, especially as you're wearing his favourite hoodie and his favourite ring, and he's practically given them to you. I hope you don't end up in the gutter like lots of other girls. I think they deserve you all. You're all lovely girls and they deserve each and every one of you. They will treasure you for a long time I reckon.' Kev finished, smiling down at me. I grinned back.

'Thanks Kev.' I said, attempting to wrap my arms around him and hug him. He hugged me back, crunching my back as he squeezed me; my arms not quite fitting round him. He whispered in my ear a quick after thought.

'Treasure them back.' I nodded, my smile lighting up my face and reaching my eyes as I turned back to my friends, preparing for a long story recount.

The Wanted Fan-Fic: 'She is my Weakness'Where stories live. Discover now